SLU news

Teaching and examination

Published: 09 February 2022

As of 9 February, the Public Health Agency’s guidelines on partial online teaching for higher education will be phased out.

The pandemic has affected the social study environment and a quick return to normal is important; at the same time, we need to make the most of lessons learnt during the last two years when it comes to new ways of teaching.

The current instructions for teaching will remain in place for study period 3 to allow course coordinators and examiners more time to plan and perform risk assessments; this means that all students must be offered teaching on campus at least one day a week.

These instructions will cease to apply as of study period 4, which starts 24th of March, and classrooms can again be booked at full capacity.

For examination period 3, the regular examination format should primarily be used. If a take-home exam has already been planned it won’t necessary to change the format, but quality must always be taken into account.

Even though the goal is to return to campus in the next few weeks, teachers may need to stay at home because they have symptoms, and they can then opt for online instruction.

Cluster outbreaks can also be a reason for online teaching to minimise the spread of infection. Other aspects related to planning may also affect the return to campus.