
More than SEK 100 million to research at SLU

Published: 11 November 2022

26 different research projects were granted over SEK 100 million and another three were recommended when the Swedish Research Council distributed funds for development research and research in the natural and technical sciences.

SLU increases its total dividend compared to 2021, from SEK 93 million to more than SEK 100 million and has maintained its position as the largest fund manager in development research. Compared to last year, when 13 projects were granted funding, this year 14 development projects are directly funded, with another three still pending, awaiting the final budgetary restrictions to be set by the new government, meaning altogether that up to 17 projects may be funded, says research coordinator Caroline Grabbe at the Grants Office.  

The following researchers have been granted funding in 2023 – 2026:

Natural sciences and technical sciences

Charles Melnyk

Understanding the Developmental Regulation of Plant Parasitism - 3,600,000   

Lenka Kuglerová

Understanding multiple stressors in northern stream ecosystems: The interactive effects of forestry and extreme hydrological events  - 3,400,000   

Bill Hansson

Olfactory maps, coding and behaviours in mosquitoes - novel principles in an old sense  - 3,120,000   

Erin McCallum

An evolutionary approach to understanding the ultimate effects of chemical pollutants for aquatic animals - 4,000,000   

Marcus Klaus

Microbubbles – hidden gateways for greenhouse gas emissions from inland waters? - 4,000,000   

Rickard Ignell

Are divergent mosquito odorant receptors conserved behavioural regulators? - 2,700,000   

Anders Hafrén

RNA regulation for plant viral immunity and stress resilience - 3,600,000   

Vadim Kessler

Molecular mechanisms in oxide nanoparticle interactions with proteins - 3,840,000   

Gustav Nestor

NMR studies of protein-glycan interactions using uniformly 13C-labelled glycans - 4,000,000   

Adrien Sicard

Distinguishing a friend from a foe: Unravelling the genetic basis and adaptive value of heterospecific pollen rejection - 3,700,000   

Mattias Thelander

The evolutionary origin of pollen formation (ePOLL) - 3,700,000   

Fernando Puente-Sánchez

Dispersal barriers and functional convergence in aquatic microorganisms - 4,000,000   

Development research

Kibrom Abreha Avel

Breeding-Biostimulant: an innovative approach for enhanced drought tolerance of the climate-resilient Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in Uganda and Zambia - 4,796,000

Francisco Aguilar Cabezas

Gender equality and climate resilience of West African cacao-dependent households - 4,489,000

James Ajal

Network for building resilience and sustainability among small holder vegetable farmers in East Africa - 794,000

Erik Andreasson

Identification of mechanisms to regulate growth habits in yam (Dioscorea rotundata) aiming at cost-effective mechanization in farmer’s fields - 4,498,000

Petter Axelsson

Native tree species for tropical reforestation with culture, climate and conservation in mind - 4,499,000

Aakash Chawade

Mitigating the threat of Wheat Blast (Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum) in Zambia, and beyond - 4,422,000

Andrés Cortés

Leverage avocado genetic resources for the sustainable socioeconomic development of rural communities in Tanzania - 4,691,000

Mukesh Dubey

Mycotoxins and food safety and security in Rwanda: Understanding the biology and epidemiology of maize ear rots for sustainable maize production - 4,500,000

Harry Fischer

Building synergies between biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and rural prosperity through community forest governance - 4,500,000

Cecilia Hammenhag

Exploring resistance sources against the devastating field pea disease Ascochyta blight, and developing tools for genomics-led breeding of resistant cultivars - 4,491,000

Ramune Kuktaite

Increasing food security and decreasing malnutrition via innovation agro-platforms, crop breeding and novel food processing of common beans in Uganda - 4,496,000

Kristina Marquardt

Secondary forests, commodity frontiers and the micro-politics of land claims: Struggling to build smallholder forest futures - 4,500,000

Adam Pain

Living with uncertainty in South Asia Mountains - 800,000

Björn Vinnerås

NECESSITY (Next gEneration sourCE Separating SanItaTion sYstem) - 4,488,000

Recommended projects, final decision January 2023

Patrik Oskarsson

The end of coal and the future of land: Transformative mine closures for just and sustainable livelihoods in India - 4,500,000

Fluturë Novakazi

Mining the Untapped Sudanese Sorghum Feterita Germplasm by Hybrid Breeding to Improve Food Security in Sudan - 4,499,000

Charlotte Berkström

FISH LINKS - Scrutinizing the impact of tourism-driven fish consumption on reef fish communities: A socio-environmental study in tropical seascapes - 4,499,000



Here you will find the decisions from the Science Council (Swe):

Natural and technical sciences

Development research

