SLU news

Annual Funding Day informs and inspires – now on SLU Play

Published: 22 November 2022
Erika Godoy, Alexandre Dubois, Camilla Sjörs, Ninad Bondre, Gergana Hamberg, and Johan Beck-Friis. Photo: Anna Lehrman

SLU’s first-ever Annual Funding Day, organized by Grants Office, the Fundraising unit and SLU Holding, was held successfully on the afternoon of November 17. All SLU employees can now view the event on SLU Play.

The day began with an insight into the support SLU researchers can receive from Grants Office, Fundraising and SLU Holding. This was followed by a panel discussion that involved representatives from Formas, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), Marie-Claire Cronstedt Foundation, the Swedish Research Council (VR) and Vinnova. A wide range of topics was covered, which included opportunities for early-career researchers, the application evaluation process and the do’s and don’ts when writing an application.

Following the panel discussion, the audience benefited from inspiration and guidance from Derek Lundberg who managed to acquire three large and prestigious grants last year. Finally, Katarina Chowra motivated the audience via her perspectives on societal impact, and gave a sneak-peak into her pre-study on increasing the societal benefits of research conducted in Sweden.

The recoding can now be viewed at SLU Play.(requires login)

Programme (including starting time)

Moderator: Anna Lehrman, Fundraiser at the Vice-Chancellor’s Office

00:04:00 Welcome Deputy Vice Chancellor Pär Forslund.

00:09:15 From funding to impact – Grants Office, Fundraising and SLU Holding
Ninad Bondre, Research Coordinator at the Grants Office, Åsa Formo, Fundraiser at the Faculty for Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science and the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, and Henrik Landgren, Senior Innovation & Business Advisor at SLU Holding.

00:22:20 Navigating the funding landscape Ninad Bondre in a dialogue with AlexandreDubois, Senior Research Officer at Formas; Gergana Hamberg, Senior Research Officer at the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF); Johan Beck-Friis, Scientific Expert at the Marie-Claire Cronstedt Foundation; Erika Godoy, Research Officer at the Swedish Research Council (VR); and Camilla Sjörs, Case Manager at Vinnova.

02:01:45 From research idea to grant success – Derek Lundberg, Wallenberg Academy Fellow at the Department of Plant Biology, SLU, previously at the Max Planck-Institute for Developmental Biology.

02:32:10 Putting research into use – what is impact and how is the societal value secured? Katarina Chowra, Sustainability & Innovation Advisor, External Evaluator for Vinnova, previously Business Development Advisor at UIC – Uppsala Innovation Centre.

02:59:20 The take-home messages.


Anna Lehrman, Fundraiser, PhD
Vice-Chancellor's Office, +46 18 67 22 32, +46 70 930 63 90