SLU news

All about SLU's strategies in one place!

Published: 18 June 2021

There is now a new webpage that describes the University’s new strategies and priority areas.

The strategy gives us SLU staff a clear guidance on goals and priorities, and provides a tool to facilitate strategic decisions throughout the operations.

Three focus areas

The process of developing activities and plans within the three priority focus areas has been in full swing since the strategy was decided:

  • SLU’s next steps for sustainable development
  • SLU in the digital society
  • One SLU

Each focus area has an overall goal and contains several sub-components and activities. All these are presented in the overall strategy webpage.

The Faculties

The process has continued at the Faculties with the implementation of their strategies,  based on the overall SLU strategy. These are also presented on the webpage.

Welcome to exciting reading!