
Agneta Lindsten named Information specialist of the Year 2021

Published: 22 June 2021
Agneta Lindsten, portrait photo.

Agneta Lindsten, librarian at the SLU University library, has been named Information specialist of 2021. By contributing to innovative solutions Agneta provides support for SLU researchers and contributes to the university’s goals, for example in Agenda 2030. Agneta is also a driving force in national as well as international networks and projects.

Agneta Lindsten, librarian at the SLU University library, has been named Information Specialist of the Year 2021 by Svensk förening för informationsspecialister (eng. Swedish association of information management professionals, SFIS). Agneta works primariy with support for the university’s researchers through systematic searches, bibliometry and analysis but is also an active participant in international projects and national networks. She has previously been active both as a researcher and in the private business sector.

The motivation highlights Agneta’s ability to familiarize herself with the conditions of the individual researchers and prioritize their needs while at the same time benefiting SLU as a whole through innovative solutions. As an example, she has supported the SLU strategic goals in sustainable development in the form of Agenda 2030 and the global sustainability goals. In collaboration with colleagues from the library and SLU Global, Agneta has been a driving force in the development of innovative services, for example in systematic reviews (SLU hub for systematic reviews) and making SLU research that contributes to Agenda 2030 accessible,  a service that has gained both national and international attention. Agneta has also been a driving force in developing the SLU University Library course for PhD students and worked to make it easier for researchers to monitor the attention of their publications in society and media through altmetrics.
