
News from the VH Faculty Board

Published: 23 September 2021

VH's faculty board had a meeting on 15 September. Here are some of the covered topics and decisions taken.

More veterinary and veterinary nursing students next year already

At the beginning of September, the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation presented a proposal in the budget bill that would enable the expansion of both veterinary education and veterinary nurse education. It is about resources to accept more students, but also resources to adapt premises and other things that are required to be able to develop the education in the best possible way. This is the start of solving the shortage of veterinarians and veterinarian nurses.

Read more here

Business planning requires effective follow-up

The Faculty Board has invested a lot of time and energy together with heads of department on the development of the faculty's strategy and business plan. But without follow-up, these important documents will only become dust collectors. Now the faculty board has begun the work of planning for how and when the board wants the follow-up and in what form.

The focus is on finding which overall activities can give the faculty board a good feedback on how the work is progressing and is in line with the faculty's strategy. In addition, the Faculty Board works to find out how these overall activities are to be reported and when.

In the question of how, there are many things to consider. Does the data reflect what the faculty board wants to follow up? It must be possible to make an assessment based on the data. Is the time required for the production of the material justified? We must be efficient with taxpayers' money. The recipient must understand what is being reported. The follow-up is also a way to show stakeholders what we do.

Ola Thomsson
Research Officer

Recruitments decided by the Faculty Board

  • Adjunction of senior lecturer in pig medicine
  • Advertisement for the recruitment of a professor of animal reproduction
  • Start recruiting a professor of veterinary pathology
  • Start recruiting a professor of veterinary immunology

Dates for next year's faculty board meetings

  • Thursday 27 January. Short meeting for appointments of vice deans and more,
  • Wednesday and Thursday 9–10 February,
  • Wednesday, March 23,
  • Wednesday 27 April,
  • Wednesday, June 15,
  • Wednesday 14 September,
  • Wednesday, October 19,
  • Wednesday 14 December.


Kristina Jungnelius, Faculty Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU, +4618-67 16 87, +4670-203 33 14