
Extending and intensifying the environmental monitoring and assessment objective

Published: 01 February 2021

SLU strives to make environmental data available, useable and quality controlled. All data from our environmental monitoring and assessment should come with a quality declaration and ensure security-related integrity.

“We are further refining the objectives so we can make our contribution to society’s shift towards greater sustainability,” says Anna Lundhagen, Pro Vice-Chancellor for collaboration and environmental monitoring and assessment

To further contribute to society’s environmental efforts, one of our environmental objectives is to increase the use of SLU’s environmental data among decision-makers, public authorities, researchers and society in general.

In 2015, SLU introduced an environmental monitoring and assessment objective. Now, in conjunction with its extension, the rate of compliance is also being increased from 80% to 90%.

Environmental monitoring and assessment objective:

  • By the end of 2025, at least 90% of participants in SLU’s quality enhancement activities are expected to openly publish their data, as outlined in the environmental data management quality guide.

During the 2020/2021 winter, SLU has taken decisions to adapt our organisation in five areas, including updated environmental objectives for education, environmental monitoring and assessment, emissions generated by business travel, energy production and savings and guidelines for food purchases.