
Summer greeting and notices from the VH Faculty Board’s meeting on 10 June

Published: 11 June 2020

The faculty board met on 10 June. The agenda included several recruitments and an update on the strategy work. This notice is a summary of some of the items and includes a summer greeting from Dean Rauni Niskanen and all of the faculty board.

First of all – look after yourselves this summer

The faculty board would like to start by thanking everyone for their work this spring, which has been challenging. Together, we have managed to make an almost complete transition to distance teaching, learnt how to use Zoom and we have become real experts at online meetings. Thank you all for your flexibility and your patience. 

We want to encourage everyone to make sure you get plenty of rest and ample recovery this summer. Take time off if you can, take it easy and do fun things, and we will meet again after the summer.

Summary of the board meeting on 10 June


The following recruitments were on the agenda:

  • Decision to appoint four new docents.  Congratulations to Sofia Mikko, Maria Andersson, Johanna Penell and Ingrid Hansson.
  • A job description was fixed for a professor of veterinary epidemiology.
  • Decisions were taken on guest professorships in veterinary pharmacology and fish health.
  • It was decided to extend the post of adjunct professor of equitation.

Strategy – skills provision and recruitments

Work on skills provision for the faculty is in progress. Ola Thomsson presented the work plan and the tool that will be used. The board discussed this and decided on a number of professorships within the framework of the strategy work. Here, the recommendations presented to the faculty board had been produced using the skills provision tool. 

VH Faculty’s delegation of authority updated

The faculty’s updated delegation of authority has been updated and is available, in Swedish only, on the staff web.

Substitute vice-dean

As of 11 May, Sofia Nyman is substitute vice dean for agender equality and equal opportunities. Sofia introduced herself to the board and explained that she is looking forward to this assignment. Vice Dean Maja Malmberg will be returning in September 2021.

Posts funded through collaboration

There are several posts at SLU funded through collaboration. Margareta Emanuelson, pro-dean responsible for collaboration, gave the board a presentation on the situation regarding posts funded through collaboration at the VH Faculty. This included an overview of the large nunber of externally employed doctoral students and others funded by companies, as well as colleagues with internal and external funding for collaboration.

The Future platforms

Dean Rauni Niskanen informed the board of the results of the discussions on SLU’s four Future platforms. In short, at the 2 June meeting, the vice-chancellor informed the management group that operations will continue within the current platforms, but that the changes proposed by the deans will be implemented. The platform mission will also be clarified.

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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU +46(0)18-67 10 00