News from Head of Department, week 20
Friday night again!
I want to thank everyone for another wonderful, but strenuous week. The study directors held a teacher's meeting last Wednesday and as far as I understand it, the teaching works out well according to the circumstances and I am very well aware that it depends on everyone's efforts and sacrifices.
Something else that has impressed me greatly during the past week was the large number of submitted research applications that I have received and with excitement forwarded to potential financiers! I believe in good results this autumn - thanks for very good efforts on this front too! Unfortunately I couldn't personally attend the docent lectures on Wednesday, but I have received reports that Johanna Penell made a brilliant effort!
During the week, we have continued to work on the collaboration with UDS, including the second meeting of the clinical management group for UDS and VH / KV. A common management structure is now in place (see appendix) and the scientific policy groups as well as the operational coordination groups will now be staffed and started. The management structure is, as you can see, version 1.0 and it will certainly need to be revised and developed over time.
As I mentioned last week, the dean held a prefect council on Wednesday where we mainly discussed the future of the platforms at SLU. On Thursday, this year's 'round of protection' was conducted, where we were able to find that in many places it is neglected to empty cans for sharp and cutting objects and that there is a great need to review the cleaning of our offices. Please clean your office if needed (for example, there should be no piles of paper on the floors ...)! The week ended with the first 'samverkansgrupp' of the year where we went through incident reports, changes in management and various work environment issues.
Next Thursday is 'red day' and Friday will probably be a day of for some of you, and I hope for lovely spring weather and some needed recovery.
During week 21 I will be in place Monday and Wednesday.
I wish you a nice weekend!
Veckans informationspunkter:
• Press release from SJV on the priority of emergency animal care
• Information about the Rector's decision meetings (REB)
• Health care news
• Three reminders about scholarship calls from Christina Jacobsson