
News from Head of Department, week 17

Published: 27 April 2020

This week's Friday greeting from the prefect!

During the week, many of us have been working on evaluating how the teaching flows during the pandemic, as I announced last week. On Monday morning we will present the situation to the faculty management represented by Rauni and Johanna. In short, I can say that our different subjects have been affected differently depending on the type of clinical education situation, group size in teaching, the possibility of digitization etc. I, however, conclude that everyone has done their utmost to solve the problems in each subject. Perhaps I sound like an old scratched gramophone record, but again - big thanks for your efforts!

On Thursday, new directives were introduced regarding the use of face masks in teaching at UDS, which is important to know. Below you find the meaning in point form:

  • Face masks should be used in situations where a distance between people of at least one meter cannot be guaranteed. This applies to all persons who are affected regardless of employee, student, pet owner or other function. For example, managing sick foals or other situations where many of us must be very close to each other in order to work.
  • First and foremost, we minimize the number of people, ie pet owners and / or students may be asked to leave the room or take a few steps back.
  • Ensure that you are as few people as possible in situations that require mouth protection, we must maintain our hygiene material.
  • It is not allowed to use face masks at UDS when not required, but then social distancing and careful hygiene routines are applied to avoid the spread of covid-19.

On Friday afternoon, three happy and welcome messages came from the Academic Appoinments Board (LFN). Josef Dahlberg is proposed as assistant senior lecturer in udder diseases, Johanna Penell is proposed as senior lecturer in animal nursing and Ann Nyman will be adjunct senior lecturer in epidemiology. Horary and good luck!

You still need to update yourself on SLU's corona page:  where news are presented continuously. Corona information about the students in practical clinical training will be obtained from the study directors.

The coming week is a little shorter as it ends with a red day on Friday (May 1st). On Thursday it is the last of April or if you want to call it Valborg, but I presume that you celebrate quietly this year.

During week 18 I will be in place Monday, Wednesday and parts of Thursday.

Have a nice weekend!

This week's information points:


