SLU news

News from Head of Department, week 16

Published: 21 April 2020

God Helg!

As I now summarize the week, it has included many, many meetings, most of them on Zoom. I learn just like many others the pros and cons of digital meetings. I miss the physical meetings, but try as best I can to keep myself at a proper distance from my surroundings. Among other things, I have had a meeting with the rector on financing of higher positions, meetings with deans and study directors on the state of basic education, KV's management, KV's clinical teacher and meeting with the Council for Animal Health and associated clinical research and education (DKU).

The challenges are many, both large and small, but I am sure that we will solve the problems together. A big thank you to all the employees who are struggling!

Now that I can now summarize this year's submitted Formas applications, I am impressed by the work you put into this. If I remember correctly, I have signed a total of thirteen applications - GOOD JOB!

Next week, among other things, me and others will work on compiling the basic education situation to presentation to the Dean on April 27.
