SLU news

New subscriptions to Nationalencyklopedin and ArtikelSök

Published: 02 April 2020

The SLU University Library has started subscribing to Nationalencyklopedin (NE) and the ArtikelSök database. The subscriptions give SLU students and staff access to Sweden’s largest encyclopedia and content from more than 1,300 newspapers and magazines. Both databases are entirely in Swedish.


NE was started in 1996 and is Sweden's most comprehensive encyclopedia. The subscription also includes about thirty dictionaries, thousands of videos and a database of the world's countries with extensive statistics and possibilities for comparisons.


Artikelsök mainly includes articles from weekly and monthly magazines, a large part of these industry press, but also some newspapers. A lot of the content included in the database is not searchable in any other way. The database has recently undergone a major makeover, resulting in a new and easy-to-use interface. This makes it easy to limit searches to for example scientific material. All content in the database is manually quality checked. All articles located with ArtikelSök are not available in full text, but the SLU University Library can help you find them either in our print collections or via interlibrary loan.

SLU already has access to Retriever Mediearkivet, which complements ArtikelSök with mainly daily newspaper articles.

