
News from Head of Department, week 48

Published: 04 December 2020
Christmas cow

Wishing you a nice Advent weekend!

This week, too, we had reason celebrate new research grants! This time it was Jean-Francois Valarcher and Sara Hägglund who managed to land no less than THREE grants for research on infectious diseases in cattle. Congratulations Sara and JF and good luck with your new projects!

After the budget work was completed, the past week flowed at a slightly slower pace. That is not to say that it was calm…

Despite the fact that the number of new Covid cases is still increasing in Uppsala, I do not have any new cases to report within our business this week - excellent! I know that you are working hard and want to praise you for that again! (A little on the same theme - do not forget to answer Sussie Pettersson regarding which Christmas present you choose this year.) The next piece of repetition is that you should remember to update yourself on SLU's Covid page from time to time. Attached to today's letter is also the latest Covid update from the Rector.

Next week is a meeting with a joint clinical management group, ‘prefektråd’, KV strategy council, budget dialogue with the faculty, meeting with veterinary students, ‘tillsammans’ management team and a little more. I better rest this weekend.

Last, but not least, I would like to welcome our new project economist, Camilla Kvist, to KV. For those of you who are curious, a short presentation is attached. Welcome Camilla!

During week 49, I will be on duty every day, but maybe I will work remotely some day.


I wish you all a nice weekend!

This week's information points:

  • Changed guidelines examinations-KV 
  • Information from the research secretaries (no. 20) 
  • About registration of publications - do not miss that January 20, 2021 is the last date!
  • Information for IUFRO 2024 (a forest conference that the principal wants to promote, IF anyone would be interested) 
  • SLU's policy for scientific publication in Swedish and English 
