
SLU could take up more space in society

Published: 01 April 2019

SLU is starting to develop its external collaboration structure. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Erik Fahlbeck, along with the four deans, have sent invitations to a workshop to discuss what a new, developed structure could look like.

SLU is arranging meetings in Alnarp, Uppsala and Umeå during April and May. The basis for the discussions is the report on strengthened external collaboration that was completed a few months ago. The meetings will be held at each respective faculty, but SLU employees can take part in any meeting.

SLU knowledge and expertise is relevant to many parts of society. This is noticeable, among other things, in relation to researchers’ success in regard to publications and approved funding as well as the fact that many public authorities and societal actors are committed to SLU’s environmental monitoring and assessment, and the fact that many SLU students move on to good jobs.

SLU is sitting on a golden egg

“Today, Swedish higher education institutions and individual employees are expected to work actively with collaboration. At SLU, we collaborate extensively with many parties outside academia. This was especially noticeable in KoN2018, where many received well-deserved praise for their interaction with others. In addition, some of the visiting KoN experts very clearly stated that SLU should take up even more space in society, and our employees should be more active because we have expertise that is key to many of today’s issues. The experts said that we are sitting on a golden egg; we have the expertise, good contacts outside academia and we work with relevant issues,” states Deputy Vice-Chancellor Erik Fahlbeck.

“The golden egg could hatch and become some sort of winged creature with a more or less fascinating appearance and flight ability – in other words: SLU employees can develop external collaboration and make even it better to ensure that it has more considerable societal impact,” continues Fahlbeck.