SLU Aquaculture
Aqua-agro farming system: A sustainable solution to food security and nutrition?
Land and water resources are getting scarcer and the global food demand is increasing. Pressure on the farmers and researchers worldwide to adopt novel methods to maximize healthy food production and reduce/recycle waste is increasing. To reach the goals of Agenda 2030 of zero hunger, it is crucial to improve aquaculture through an integrated approach. We are looking forward to research contributions on sustainable aquaculture from all scientific fields.
SLU and the Swedish International Agriculture Network Ini¬tiative (SIANI) are organising the Agri4D Conference 2019 that will take place at SLU, Uppsala on 25-26 September 2019. The main aim of the conference is to promote knowledge exchange for improved sustainability and resilience in food systems. The overall theme of the conference is "Agricultural Research for Development Conference 2019 - Zero Hunger By 2030: Our Shared Challenge! Drivers of change and sustainable food systems".
Welcome to submit abstracts for the aquaculture session at the Agri4D 2019 conference. Deadline for abstract submission is May 15th 2019.
For more information about the conference and the abstracts call>>
SLU Aquaculture