
SLU will host new Erasmus course on precision agriculture

Published: 15 May 2018

SLU will host the first course event of the new Erasmus+ proigram “Smart Farming (Precision Agriculture) and New Technologies. The program is part of Erasmus Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices.

From June 11-22 this year, SLU will host the first intensive course of the new Erasmus + KA2 program on Smart Farming (Precision Agriculture) and New Technologies".

From seminars to internships at agricultural companies

The 2-week intensive course will be held in Skara and includes seminars, projects, field visits and international group work in cooperation with our industrial partners. The session will be followed by a discovery internship period in companies of the agricultural sector.

Professors and students from many countries

This initial session will gather 14 professors and 26 students from the seven European partner institutions in Agriculture and Life Sciences. The Professors and students are from Sweden, Finland, Greece, France, Belgium and Portugal.


What is Precision Farming?

Precision farming aims at adapting the measures and actions as conditions change. By doing the right thing on each spot, we can simultaneously utilize our resources better, increase crop yields and profit, and minimize undesirable effects on the environment.


Bo Stenberg, Associate Professor/Research leader
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU, 0511-672 76, 0730-77 72 76