
Submit papers/abstracts to the SLU panels at the Development Research Conference 2018

Published: 20 February 2018

Reminder: At the Development Research Conference 2018, in August, SLU are contributing with four  panels. 23 February is the last chance to submit papers/abstracts to the different panels.

SLU researchers contribute with four different panels on the conference

Animal health in development

Johanna Lindahl, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, Uppsala University, Sweden and SLU, Uppsala, Sweden,
Jonas Johansson Wensman, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden,

Link to more information about the panel.


Restore more - it’s all about multifunctional landscapes

Ewa Wredle, Dept. of Animal Nutrition and Management, SLU,
Gert Nyberg, Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU,
Per Knutsson, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg,

Link to information about the panel.


The opportunities and challenges in urban and peri-urban agriculture and the role for sciencebased policies and practice

Conveners: Johanna Bergman Lodin,  SLU,
Ulf Magnusson, SLU,

Link to more information about the panel.

Water management for food production in an era of changing development agendas

Jennie Barron, Dept. Soil and Environment,  SLU, Uppsala,
Abraham Joel, Dept. Soil and Environment, SLU, Uppsala,

Link to information about the panel.


Information from the conference website about submission of papers/abstracts

We hereby welcome paper proposals/abstracts on the various theoretical and substantive challenges of rethinking development covered by the conference panels. All paper proposals are to be submitted through our online submission system no later than 23 February. Paper proposals should be no longer than 350 words and written in English. Abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the panel conveners on the basis of the following criteria: relevance/problem, purpose/research questions, theory/approach, methods/material, results/conclusion. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 2 April 2018.

Link to more information on the conference website.