
Six SLU projects are proposed to receive grants to development research

Published: 07 December 2018

Of the approximately 151 million SEK that the Swedish Research Council has preliminarily allocated to development research during the grant period 2019-2021, more than 11 million goes to SLU. Contributions will be financed by government aid funds and research shall be of relevance to poverty reduction and sustainable development in low-income countries. Support is given to research of the highest scientific quality in all scientific fields.

The Swedish Research Council is awaiting government announcement regarding the budget for development research related to project grants and the network contribution Swedish Research Links. What has now been published is a list of a recommendation on funding, based on an assumed framework that corresponds to last year's budget.

Preliminary project grants 2018

  • Aakash Chawade, Plant breeding, Alnarp, 4 332 811 (New tools for breeding wheat resistant to the fungal disease wheat blast)
  • Björn Vinnerås, Energy & Technology, Uppsala, 3 929 000 (Urine hydration technology for sanitation 2.0)

Preliminary  network grants: Swedish Research Links, 2018

  • Erik Alexandersson, Plant protection biology, Alnarp, 800 000 (Sub-Saharan Africa Plant biotechnology - Technology transmission and new policies)
  • Mulatu Geleta Dida, Plant breeding, Alnarp, 750 000 (Promotion of "dekoko" (Pisum sativum ssp. Abyssinicum) for food security in Ethiopia)
  • Vadim Kessler, Molecular Sciences, Uppsala, 799 080 (Multifunctional hybrid adsorbents for water purification)
  • Jonas Johansson Wensman, Clinical Sciences, Uppsala, 800,000 (Factors that limit sustainable production of small ruminants in Tanzania and Zambia)

Read more in the Swedish Research Council's news
