SLU news

New investment in research schools

Published: 18 May 2017

The Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (NJ) has decided on continued funding to research schools.

The faculty board has decided on funding for the following research schools as of July 2017–June 2021:
• Ecology – basics and applications (nat)
• Focus on Soils and Water (nat)
• Focus on Food and Biomaterials (nat)
• Organism Biology (nat)
• Sustainable Biomass Systems (nat)
• Social Science Perspectives on Sustainable Development (soc)
• Society and Landscape (soc)

The research school Social Science Perspectives on Sustainable Development is new. Some of the other schools have changed names, and their content may have been slightly changed, but they are a continuation of the current research schools.

Five of the relaunched research schools are primarily for doctoral students working within natural sciences (see 'nat' above). Two of the schools are primarily for doctoral students working within social sciences (see 'soc' above). However, all research school activities are available to all doctoral students.

More about doctoral education at the NJ faculty