Anders Henrik Herlin, Senior Lecturer and External Collaboration Specialist
Department of Biosystems and Technology, SLU, +46 40-41 52 19, +46 70-455 51 94
From the radio show Vetandets värld, Radio Sweden P1 on 26 September 2017.
Has Rosa gained weight? Or does she need excercise? The technical solutions that can improve life in the barn, increase profitability and reduce the environmental impact of agriculture are now available.
In a live broadcast from the seminar Smart farming in Eskilstuna, reporters from the radio show "Vetandets värld" talked to researchers and farmers.
Taking part were Per Frankelius, reseacher in innovation from Linköping University, Martina Schagerlund, farmer, and Anders Herlin, collaboration expert and researcher at the Department of Biosystems and Technology at SLU.
Listen to the show (in Swedish)
Anders Henrik Herlin, Senior Lecturer and External Collaboration Specialist
Department of Biosystems and Technology, SLU, +46 40-41 52 19, +46 70-455 51 94