
Almost 97 million to VH from Formas

Published: 22 December 2016

On 10 November, Formas granted funding in four announcements, which was very good news for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Formas is providing almost SEK 97 million for research at our faculty, which represents as much as 33.9% of SLU’s granted funding!

Earlier this autumn, the Swedish Research Council also granted funding of approximately SEK 9 million for research at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. (See link to separate news items in the list below.) This is far above expectations, so a big thank you – great work!

Here is a complete list of those of you whose applications to Formas and SRC were granted in autumn 2016:

Fomas mobility

Jenny Larsson

Martin Johnsson

Kamyar Mogodiniyai Kasmaei

Future research leaders

Jonas Johansson Wensman

Albin Gräns

Maja Malmberg

Emma Ivarsson

Animal protection

Johan Höglund

Marie Rhodin

Linda Keeling

Sara Hägglund

Carlos Hernandez

Maria Andersson

Anna Wallenbeck

Katja Nilsson

Albin Gräns

Research and development projects

Jean Francois Valarcher

Adam Novobilsky

Gabriella Lindgren

Fredrik Granberg


Anne-Lie Blomström

Gabriella Lindgren


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, SLU +46(0)18-67 10 00