Work environment at SLU

Last changed: 13 March 2025

Through active health and safety work, SLU wants to create a stimulating work environment for all employees and students. A good work environment is a common concern for management, employees and students, and everyone has a responsibility to participate.

Organisation and responsibility

The vice-chancellor, as head of a public authority, has overall responsibility for the work environment at SLU. At each department/division, the head of department or equivalent is responsible for the work environment. Each employee is expected to take an active part in the work environment processes and alert their superior of any shortcomings. The safety representatives represent the employees, and their task is to monitor work environment issues.

Division of Human Resources and the Division of Infrastructure jointly support our work environment processes. The Division of Human Resources supports departments and units in their work environment efforts. They offer support on issues relating to the psychosocial environment as well as on how to organize and implement work environment processes. They also offer training on work environment issues for managers and safety representatives.

The Division of Infrastructure offer support on issues related to the physical work environment.

Internal govering documents 

In the area of work environment there are policies, guidelines and instructions that can be found here. Information about physical work environment can be found here.

Protocol SLU work environment committee

Visit the protocol page (only in Swedish) where you can see the minutes from the SLU work environment committee (SLU-AK).

Harassment and victimization

SLU has a zero tolerance approach to harassment and victimisation. Here is information on how you can act in the event of victimisation.

Heavy consumption and hazardous use

Here you can find information about SLU's guidelines for heavy consumption and hazardous use and what support is available for employees and students.


HR Unit, Division of Human Resources