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Swedish National Forest Inventory

There are 15 pages tagged with Swedish National Forest Inventory:

Swedish NFI book launched at IUFRO

During the IUFRO World conference, SLU launched an abbreviated English version of the book about Swedish forests over the last century. The book describes the history of the Swedish National Forest

Webbinarium: Skogsdata 2024

henrik.j.persson@slu.se Ny statistik och resultat från Riksskogstaxeringens artinriktade inventeringar. Fotograf: Åke Bruhn, SLU. Artinventering i Ydre, Östergötland. SLU Riksskogstaxeringen

Award Ceremony and Book Release

Award Ceremony and Book Release internkommunikation@slu.se Welcome to participate in the award ceremony of the Faculty of Forest Sciences prizes as well as the book launch for the

Mattias Lundblad

mattias.lundblad@slu.se Researcher, Senior environmental assessment specialist Assistant and deputy head of Department of Soil and environment My research is related to the estimation of carbon

EU:s nya markdirektiv har potential men kräver ändringar

The European Commission's proposal for a directive to protect and restore soil, the Soil Monitoring Law, has the potential to contribute to more sustainable land use. In the long term, it would

Kelley R. Bassett

kelley.gundale@slu.se Doctoral Student, Utilizing the Swedish National Forest Inventory tree core archive as a tool to assess environmental change Assistant Head of Department, Equal Opportunities

TaxWebb modified

TaxWebb is the popular interactive analysis tool from the Swedish NFI that enables customized statistics for any user. Until now, TaxWebb has enabled estimates for productive forest land outside

New maps enable tracking of carbon stocks

Data and maps on carbon stocks are hard to come by and typically require processing by expert researchers. Thanks to a joint project between SLU and National forest data lab, these are now available

Conclusions from forest monitoring workshop

Final summary and conclusions from February’s workshop on forest monitoring have now been published. Impressions were generally positive. SLU organized a workshop at campus Ultuna in February, titled

Benjamin Forsmark

benjamin.forsmark@slu.se My research focuses on how forests respond to environmental changes and management decisions. Nutrients and water are the most limiting resources in temperate and boreal

Let´s talk science! Is the growth of Swedish forests increasing or decreasing?

Let´s talk science! Is the growth of Swedish forests increasing or decreasing? annika.mossing@slu.se Let's talk science! is a seminar series inititated by the Faculty of forest sciences to

Is the growth of our forests getting worse?

What is the growth status of Swedish forests? Can Sweden live up to its climate pledges? We spoke to SLU experts on forest growth to find out what is happening – and what we might expect. SLU
