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SLU Centre for Pesticides in the Environment

There are 7 pages tagged with SLU Centrum för kemiska bekämpningsmedel i miljön (CKB):

Phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture

Phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture futurefood@slu.se Welcome to a panel discussion that explores the possibilities of phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture. What alternatives exist for

Crop protection futures in agriculture-en

Crop protection futures in agriculture futurefood@slu.se Crop production is the vital basis for our food system, but the current set up is highly dependent on inputs of chemical pesticides and

Alina Koch

alina.koch@slu.se I am a researcher at the Centre for Pesticides in the Environment (CKB) at SLU. My work combines analytical chemistry and ecology to study effects of pesticides in aquatic and

Bodil Lindström

Bodil.lindstrom@slu.se I am an environmental analysis specialist partly working as a project leader of the national environmental monitoring program of chemical pesticides, and partly responsible

Gustaf Boström

I work at the department of aquatic sciences and assessment and the centre for chemical pesticides (CKB) with interpretation of monitoring data for plant protection products.  I also work with the

Jenny Kreuger

Director of SLU Centre for Chemical Pesticides (50%)  https://www.slu.se/ckb Head of the Organic Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Section, Dept. Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU (50%)

Wiebke Dürig

The aim of my doctoral project is to detect and identify unknown emerging organic pollutants in time-series of archived biological samples. The project is focused on developing a strategy for
