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Shan Zhang

Shan Zhang


I work with prospective life cycle assessment of emerging batteries, including all-organic batteries, sodium-ion batteries, all-solid-state batteries, and organic flow batteries. The goal is to evaluate the environmental performance of these emerging technologies at a future point in time when they are produced on a large scale. This involves identifying environmental hotspots throughout the production chain and providing potential opportunities for mitigating environmental impacts.


I am involved in teaching and supervision in the following courses:

Life Cycle Analysis for Environmental and Water Technology (TN0313) at SLU
Materials for Sustainable Development (1KB268) at UU
Batteries, Sustainability, and Society (1KB735) at UU

Additionally, I co-supervise master and bachelor thesis. 


My research interests lie in prospective life cycle assessment of emerging technologies and metal criticality assessment.


Worked closely with the Nanotechnology and Functional Materials group at Uppsala University for the all-organic battery study.

Currently collaborating with researchers from CML, Leiden University, and the Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University. 


2016-18 Master in Environmental Sciences - Environmental Systems Analysis track, Wageningen University. 

Selected publications

Zhang, S., Steubing, B., Potter, H. K., Hansson, P. A., & Nordberg, Å. (2024). Future climate impacts of sodium-ion batteries. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 202, 107362.

Zhang, S. , Ericsson, N., Sjödin, M., Potter, HK, Hansson, PA, & Nordberg, Å. (2022). Prospective life cycle assessment of a flexible all-organic battery. Journal of Cleaner Production, 373, 133804. 

Zhang, S. , Ericsson, N., Hansson, PA, Sjödin, M., & Nordberg, Å. (2022). Life cycle assessment of an all-organic battery: Hotspots and opportunities for improvement. Journal of Cleaner Production, 337, 130454. 


Non employee at the Department of Energy and Technology; Bioenergy technology
Postal address:
Energi och teknik, Box 7032
Visiting address: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala