CV page

Patrik Baard

Patrik Baard
I am a researcher in applied philosophy at the Department of Animal Science and Welfare, since 2024. I got my PhD in philosophy at the Royal Institute of Technology (2016), and have since then been a postdoctoral researcher at the Swedish Biodiversity Centre (2017-2019), Malmö University (2020-2022) and the University of Oslo (2022-2024).


I primarily teach on animal ethics and adjacent topics. 


At the moment I am part of a research project on citizen science and research ethics, as well as conducting a study on the environmental dimension of OneHealth. 

My research has predominantly consisted of philosophical analyses of topics surrounding climate, environment, and animals. During the recent years I have had a special focus on rights of nature. 

I have written a monograph published by Routledge, entitled 'Ethics in Biodiversity Conservation'. 


I have co-authored severael reports and opinion pieces: 


2023              Melin, A., Magnusdottir, G. L., and Baard, P., 2023. ’Deltagande rättvisebedömningar av energiscenarier: Teori och empiriska resultat’ [’Participatory justice assessments of energy scenarios: Theory and empirical results’], MaU Report
2021              Melin, A., Magnusdottir, G. L., and Baard, P., 2021. ’Energiscenarier och rättvisa: Uppfattningar om rättvisefrågor relaterade till energi- produktion och -konsumtion samt energiscenarier inom svensk politik och svenska myndigheter’ [’Energy scenarios and justice: Perceptions of justice issues related to energy production and consumptions, and energy scenarios in Swedish politics and governmental agencies’] MaU Report

Chronicles and opinion pieces:

2023              Baard, P., 2023. ‘Naturens rett’ [Nature’s rights], Klassekampen, 21 June, 2023, p. 13.  
2022              Melin, A., Magnusdottir, G. L., and Baard, P. 2022. ’Politiska åtgärder som underlättar hög energikonsumtion är problematiska ur ett rättviseperspektiv’ [Political measures that enables high energy consumption are problematic from the perspective of justice], Sydsvenskan

2015              Lundgren, B., and Baard, P., 2015. ‘Därför bör politiker begränsa vägtrafiken’ [Why politicians ought to reduce traffic], Svenska dagbladet


Selected publications

Baard, P., 2024. 'Rights of nature through a legal expressivist lens: Legal recognition of non-anthropocentric values', Ethical Theory & Moral Practice

Baard, P., and Mancilla, A. 2024. ‘Rights of Antarctica: Three arguments outlined’, The Polar Journal. 

Sandin, P., Baard, P., Helgeson, G., and Bülow, W., 2024. ‘Authorship and Citizen Science: Seven Heuristic Rules’, Science and Engineering Ethics. 

Melin, A., Magnusdottir, G. L., and Baard, P., 2024. ‘Participatory-deliberative ethics assessments of energy scenarios: What can they achieve and how should they be designed’, Ethics, Policy & Environment.  

Baard, P., 2024. ‘’Relational values’ is neither a justified nor necessary ethical concept’, Ethics, Policy & Environment. 
Baard, P., 2024. ‘Sovereignty, ecology, and regional imperatives: Formulating normative foundations for regional ecological justice’, Territory, Politics, Governance. 

Sandin, P., and Baard, P., 2024. ‘Credit in citizen science’, in Eaton, S. E., (ed.), Second Handbook of Academic Integrity, Springer: Dordrecht. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-079-7_144-1

Baard, P. 2023. ‘Are rights of nature manifesto rights (and is that a problem)?’, Res Publica: A Journal of Moral, Legal, and Political Philosophy 29: 425–443. DOI: 10.1007/s11158-023-09584-5
Baard, P., Melin, A., and Magnusdottir, G. L., 2023. ‘Justice in energy transitions: Perspectives from Swedish energy politics’, Etikk i praksis: Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 17(2), 23–39. 
Mancilla, A., and Baard, P., 2023. ‘Climate change and territory’, WIREs Climate Change 15(2).  
Wienhues, A., Baard, P., Oksanen, M., and Donoso, A., 2023. ‘The ethics of extinctions’, Cambridge Prisms: Extinction. DOI: 10.1017/ext.2023.21
Melin, A., Magnusdottir, G. L., and Baard, P., 2022.’Energy politics and justice: An ecofeminist ethical analysis of the Swedish parliamentary debate’, Ethics, Policy & Environment. 
Baard, P., and Sandin, P., 2022. ‘Principlism and citizen science: the possibilities and limitations of principlism for guiding responsible citizen science conduct’, Research Ethics 18(4). 
Baard, P., and Melin, A., 2022. ‘Max power: Identifying minimum capability thresholds and maximum ceilings for just energy footprints’, Science & Engineering Ethics 28 

Baard, P., 2021. ‘Knowledge, participation and the future: Epistemic quality in energy scenario construction’. Energy Research & Social Science 75. 
Baard, P., 2021. ‘Biocentric individualism and biodiversity conservation: An argument from parsimony’. Environmental Values 30(1): 93-110 
Baard, P. 2021. ‘Fundamental challenges for rights of nature’, in Corrigan, D. and Oksanen, M. (eds.). Rights of Nature: A Re-examination. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-03-6747-959-6

Baard, P. 2020. ‘Conflicting advice: Resolving conflicting moral recommendations in climate and environmental ethics’, in Walsh, Z., and Henning, B. (eds.) Climate Change Ethics and the Non-human World. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-03-6740-610-3

Baard, P. and Ahteensuu, M., 2019. ‘Ethics in conservation’. Journal for Nature Conservation 52.
Baard, P., 2019. ‘The goodness of means: Instrumental and relational values, causation, and environmental policies’. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 32(1): 183-199 

Baard, P. 2016. ‘Risk-Reducing Goals: Ideals and Abilities When Managing Complex Environmental Risks’. Journal of Risk Research 19(2): 164-180. 
Baard, P. and Wikman Svahn, P. 2016. 'Do we have a residual obligation to engineer the climate, as a matter of justice?', in Preston, C. (ed.) Climate Justice & Geoengineering. UK: Rowman & Littlefield: 49-62. ISBN: 978-17-8348-636-6
Baard, P. 2015. 'Change of Plans?: An Environmental Pragmatist View on Reconsidering Long-term Goals'. Environmental Philosophy 12(2): 185-204. 
Baard, P. 2015. ‘Managing Climate Change: A View from Deep Ecology’. Ethics & the Environment 20(1): 23-44. 
Baard, P. 2015. ‘Adaptive Ideals and Aspirational Goals: The Realist Constraints and Utopian Ideals of Climate Change Adaptation’. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 28(4): 739-757. 
Baard, P., and K. Edvardsson Björnberg. 2015. ‘Cautious Utopias: Environmental Goal-Setting with Long Time-Frames’. Ethics, Policy & Environment 18(2): 187-201 


Researcher at the Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare; Djuretik
Telephone: +4618672251, +46737262941
Postal address:
BOX 7024
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls väg 26, Uppsala