Nora Sophie Pohl

I am currently in my third year of my PhD at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre in Alnarp, SLU. My main topic involves the recruitment of oak trees into the canopy in regards to stand structure and light availabilty in mixed oak-dominated forests in southern Sweden. For this, I analyse data structural data from short- and mid-term projects and long-term data from the Swedish NFI.
I am currently also the Chairperson of the SHS Doctoral student council at the Forestry faculty.
Forest and Landscape Ecology (BA) and Broadleaves course (MA)
The aim of my PhD project is to create knowledge for improving strategies against oak regeneration failure and gain insight into the role of stand structure and associated light availability on growth and canopy recruitment of natural oak regeneration. Furthermore, the project aims to analyse different stand structure and evaluate its relation to biodiversity in mixed oak forests.
I studied in Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology with the focus on Tropcial and International Forestry (M.Sc.) at the University of Göttingen, Germany. My master thesis was focused on the influence of daylength on the budburst timing of seven temperate tree species and the interaction of Gypsy moth hatching and budburst in regards to potential mismatches. I wrote my master thesis at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape research (WSL) in Birmensdorf, Switzerland. I have experience with fieldwork under varied conditions in different biogeographical regions (USA, Tenerife, Laos, Germany, Italy, Switzerland).
Main supervisor: Magnus Löf (Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, SLU)
Co-supervisors: Jorge Aldea (INIA, Spain), Emile Gardiner (USDA-Forest Service, USA), Björn Nordén (NINA, Norway), Annika Felton, Per-Ola Hedwall (both SSFRC, SLU)