CV page

Martyn Futter

I am an aquatic landscape ecologist. As an aquatic scientist, my primary focus is on freshwater lakes, rivers, streams and ponds, with occasional forays to the marine environment and groundwater. Working at the landscape scale, I examine the interactions between aquatic systems, humans and natural factors in defining the character of a region. As an ecologist, I seek to understand the relationship between humans, living organisms and the landscape. In my research, I seek to understand the vital connections between the biosphere, hydrosphere and anthroposphere. My work is informed by environmental, social and economic considerations with a focus on sustainability of rural and northern communities. My main research tools are synthesis, collaboration and quantitative analysis. Most of my highly cited papers and all of my model development work is based on the ability to synthesize large amounts of information and extract key scientific messages. This process is also at the heart of my stakeholder communication activities, where messages must be targeted and focussed to achieve the desired impact. Much of my success is due to my genuine interest in collaboration. I am an active network builder and enjoy the tangible and intangible rewards of working with others. Quantitative analysis is at the heart of my work with the INCA family of models as well as my interest in extracting signals from long term monitoring time series


I teach two  main courses. "Models for Water Policy" is an interdisciplinary Masters-level course that highlights the role models can be used to support decision making about water management. The course is designed to be accessible for students iwht a natural science background who are interested in management questions as well as for students with a social science background and an interest in the natural environment.

My other main course is "Multivariate Statistics for Ecologists", which I teach with Ulf Grandin and James Weldon. This PhD-level course gives ecologists and environmental scientists practical "hands on" training in the use and interpretation of multivariate statistics as a tool for understanding and presenting data. Unlike other course, this course is focussed on a practical understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of multivariate methods in use today by ecologists.

Selected publications

A full catalogue of my publications is available on Google Scholar.

Publications I have co-authored this year are listed below:

Crossman, J, G Bussi, PG Whitehead, D Butterfield, EE Lannergård, MN Futter, 2021. A New Catchment-Scale Integrated Water Quality Model of Phosphorus, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Phytoplankton: INCA-Phosphorus Ecology (PEco). Water 13, 723.

Peacock M, J Audet, D Bastviken, MN Futter, V Gauci, AR Grinham, JA Harrison, MS Kent, S Kosten, CE Lovelock, AJ Veraart, CD Evans. 2021. Global importance of methane emissions from drainage ditches and canals. Environmental Research Letters. 2021 Mar 2. s

Sandström, S, MN Futter, DW O'Connell, EE Lannergård, J Rakovic, K Kyllmar, LW Gill, F Djodjic. 2021, Variability in fluvial suspended and streambed sediment phosphorus fractions among small agricultural streams. J. Environ. Qual.. Accepted Author Manuscript.

Bhattacharjee, J, H Marttila, AT Haghighi, M Saarimaa, A Tolvanen, A Lepistö, MN Futter, B Kløve. 2021. Development of Aerial Photos and LIDAR Data Approaches to Map Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Ditch Networks in Peat-Dominated Catchments. J Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147(4), p.04021006.

Ledesma, JLJ, G Ruiz-Pérez, A Lupon, S Poblador, MN Futter, F Sabater, S Bernal., 2021. Future changes in the Dominant Source Layer of riparian lateral water fluxes in a subhumid Mediterranean catchment. J Hydrology, p.126014.

Rankinen, K, E Turtola, R Lemola, MN Futter, JE Cano Bernal. 2021. Nutrient Load Mitigation with Wintertime Cover as Estimated by the INCA Model. Water, 13(4), p.450.


Much of my development work is with the INCA family of models

I am part of the Nordic Council funded Biowater Center of Excellence and the Horizon Europe funded OPTAIN project.

For more information about my work with microplastics, please refer to the final project conference or here
