CV page

Kes Mccormick

Kes Mccormick
Professor of Business Development and Sustainable Innovation


I am a Professor of Business Development and Sustainable Innovation at the Department of People and Society at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). I also hold a position at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University. With a background in political science and environmental science, and 20 years of academic and management experience, I engage in a combination of research, education and collaboration activities on sustainability, business, innovation and governance. I am deeply engaged in online and onsite education, capacity building and lifelong learning including through Massive Open Online Courses with over 125,000+ participants.
I have extensive experience with research, innovation, project and stakeholder management based on diverse leadership roles. I have worked in 30+ projects and assignments collaborating with over 200+ organisations, including local governments, public agencies, business and industry, NGOs and SMEs. I collaborate continuously with a range of local and international organisations. Since 2004, I have produced over 120+ publications (with more than 300,000+ downloads and 8000+ citations) in a diversity of formats for a range of target audiences. Finally, I am an experienced teacher and course coordinator, and I am also a skilled moderator, engaging presenter and event organiser.


Professor at the Department of People and Society
Postal address:
Box 190
234 22 Lomma
Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5, Alnarp