CV page

Jasper Croll

Jasper Croll
How do changes in fisheries and temperature affect the number and size of fish in a population? I use dynamics models to explore the effect of anthropogenic and environmental change on the dynamics and structure of populations.


I am a theoretical biologist with a wide interest in ecology and evolution. In my work I aim to understand how population structure changes due to environmental influences and how population structure drives the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of populations and communities. Herein I am especially interested in the feedback mechanisms that link individual energetics, life history characteristics and population dynamics. Although my scientific work is aimed to broaden the theoretical understanding of ecological systems, I am also interested in applying these theoretical insights to specific systems in the context of management questions. 

My main lines of research is centred around the effect of environmental change and human influences on the structure and dynamics of fish populations.  To do so, I connected dynamic energy budget models to size structured population models. In this way, I for example study the effect of food, temperature and density dependence on the population.

In  my current postdoc position at SLU Aqua, I study how heatwaves affect the dynamics and structure of herring populations in the Bothnian sea.


- I did my Bachelor and Master in biology with a specialisation in ecology and evolution at the University of Amsterdam.

- I obtained my Dutch teaching licence and designed biology education material for Dutch high schools.

- I did my PhD in theoretical ecology at the University of Amsterdam studying how food and density dependent growth affects the dynamics of harvested fish populations. 

Check out my PhD thesis here!

- During my previous postdoc position, I studied the effect of family interactions on the growth of African elephant populations using a new matrix model aproach. 


I supervised several students in various projects during my preivous positions. I am happy to supervise new students. So lets connect if you are interested in a project involving dynamic models or data analysis.

Selected publications

Croll, J. C., van Kooten, T., and de Roos, A. M. (2024). An energetic approach to the evolution of growth curve plasticity. Theoretical Ecology, 17(1), 13-33.

Croll, J. C., Mudde, Q. D., van Kooten, T., and de Roos, A. M. (2023). Growth as a measure for environmental conditions and relatedness of North Sea fish stocks. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 725, 57-73.

Croll, J. C., van Kooten, T., and de Roos, A. M. (2023). The consequences of density‐dependent individual growth for sustainable harvesting and management of fish stocks. Fish and Fisheries, 24(3), 427-438.

Croll, J. C., and van Kooten, T. (2022). Accounting for temporal and individual variation in the estimation of Von Bertalanffy growth curves. Ecology and Evolution, 12(12): e9619.

Croll, J. C., and A. M. de Roos (2022). The regulating effect of growth plasticity on the dynamics of structured populations. Theoretical Ecology 15.2: 95-113.


Postdoctor at the Department of Aquatic Resources; Institute of Coastal Research, joint staff
Telephone: +46104784184, +46760526819
Postal address:
Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua)
Box 7018
75007 Uppsala
Visiting address: Almas Allé 5, Uppsala