Ida Wallin

I wrote my doctorate in the field of forest planning and policy at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, SLU. In my dissertation I focused on issues of social practices, trust and multiple-use forestry on different governance levels. During my postdoctoral period at the University of Freiburg I conducted research about participatory governance related to forests in Europe and flood risk management in Ghana. I have also done research on political aspects of forest-based bioeconomy and social media debates, as well as knowledge co-production concerning ecosystem services. In several of these projects I have conducted transdisciplinary action research, participatory modelling and foresight studies.
Awards & stipends
- 2019: Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (ODRA), International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). News item in Swedish.
- 2017: Stipend King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 50-years anniversary fund for science, technology and environment for research about sustainable private forestry.
Since 2013 I have taught more than 34 courses and modules at BSc and MSc levels at the University of Freiburg and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. My teaching and lecturing cover the fields of Forest and Environmental Policy, Participatory Governance, Bioeconomy, Ecosystem management, Foresight studies, Participatory action research (PAR), and Social science theory and methods.
Current research projects & collaborations
- 2023-2024: IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality in Forestry - development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for forestry students and professionals. Funding body: SLU Global. LINK
- 2021-2024: YAS - Young Academy for Sustainability Research at FRIAS, University of Freiburg. LINK
Previous research projects & collaborations
- 2022-2023: Climate Transitions in Contested Forests: Justice and governance in digital times. Funding body: Formas. LINK
- 2020-2022: PARADeS – Participatory assessment of flood related disaster prevention and development of an adapting coping system in Ghana. Funding body: BMBF. LINK
- 2018-2020: PerForm - Perceiving the Forest-based Bioeconomy. Funding body: EFI Networking fund. LINK1 LINK2
- 2013-2016: ORCHESTRA COST-Action FP1207 - Orchestrating forest-related policy analysis in Europe. Funding body: EU COST-Action.
- 2012-2015: INTEGRAL – Future-oriented integrated management of European forested landscapes. Funding body: EU FP7 Seventh Framework Programme.
Previous positions
- 2017 Dec – 2022 July
Researcher and lecturer. Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy at University of Freiburg, Germany. - 2017 May-Nov
Postdoctoral researcher. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. - 2012-2017
Doctoral student. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. - 2012 June-Dec
Research assistant. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
Education & degrees
- 2017: PhD in Forest Management, Policy and planning at Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Dissertation title: "Forest Management and Governance in Sweden - A Phronetic Analysis of Social Practices" (LINK). Dissertation date 7th of April 2017.
- 2013: MA in Forestry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- 2012: MSc in Forest Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- 2011: BSc in Forest Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
BSc and MSc students
Since 2015 I have supervised 22 MSc theses and 1 BSc thesis at University of Freiburg (18) and at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (4).
Doctoral student
Anna Karlsson (2023-2027) “Co-creating advisory services and planning for diversified management in Swedish family forestry”. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. Co-creator project. Assistant supervisor since 19th of June 2023.
Isak Lodin (2015-2020) “Current versus Alternative Forest Management Practices in Southern Sweden”. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. ALTERFOR project. Assistant supervisor since 18th of April 2017.
Selected publications
- Wallin, I., & Brukas, V. (2024). Training forestry students for uncertainty and complexity: The development and assessment of a transformative roleplay. International Forestry Review, 26(1), 93–109.
- Malmborg, K., Wallin, I., Brukas, V., Do, T., Lodin, I., Neset, T.-S., Norström, A. V., Powell, N., & Tonderski, K. (2022). Knowledge co-production in the Helge å catchment: A comparative analysis. Ecosystems and People, 18(1), 565–582.
- Masiero, M., Secco, L., Pettenella, D., Da Re, R., Bernö, H., Carreira, A., Dobrovolsky, A. Giertlieova, B., Giurca, A., Holmgren, S., Mark-Herbert, C. Navrátilová, L., Pülzl, P., Ranacher, L., Salvalaggio, A., Sergent, A., Sopanen, A., Stelzer, A., Stetter, T., Valsta, L., Výbošťok, J., … Wallin, I. (2020). Bioeconomy perception by future stakeholders: Hearing from European forestry students. Ambio, 49(12).
- Ranacher, L., Wallin, I., Valsta, L., & Kleinschmit, D. (2020). Social dimensions of a forest-based bioeconomy: A summary and synthesis. Ambio, 49(12), 1851–1859.
- Aggestam, F., Konczal, A., Sotirov, M., Wallin, I., Paillet, Y., Spinelli, R., Lindner, M., Derks, J., Hanewinkel, M., & Winkel, G. (2020). Can nature conservation and wood production be reconciled in managed forests? A review of driving factors for integrated forest management in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management, 268, 110670.
- Trubins, R., Jonsson, R., Wallin, I., & Sallnäs, O. (2019). Explicating behavioral assumptions in forest scenario modelling – the behavioral matrix approach. Forest Policy and Economics, 103, 70–78.
- Kleinschmit, D., Pülzl, H., Secco, L., Sergent, A., & Wallin, I. (2018). Orchestration in political processes: Involvement of experts, citizens, and participatory professionals in forest policy making. Forest Policy and Economics, 89(December 2017), 4–15.
- Wallin, I., Pülzl, H., Secco, L., Sergent, A., & Kleinschmit, D. (2018). Research trends: Orchestrating forest policy-making: Involvement of scientists and stakeholders in political processes. Forest Policy and Economics, 89(March), 1–3.
- Lodin, I., Brukas, V., & Wallin, I. (2017). Spruce or not? Contextual and attitudinal drivers behind the choice of tree species in southern Sweden. Forest Policy and Economics, 83, 191–198.
- Hoogstra-Klein, M. A., Brukas, V., & Wallin, I. (2017). Multiple-use forestry as a boundary object: From a shared ideal to multiple realities. Land Use Policy, 69, 247–258.
- Wallin, I., Carlsson, J., & Hansen, H. P. (2016). Envisioning future forested landscapes in Sweden – Revealing local-national discrepancies through participatory action research. Forest Policy and Economics, 73, 25–40.
- Guillén, L. A., Wallin, I., & Brukas, V. (2015). Social capital in small-scale forestry: A local case study in Southern Sweden. Forest Policy and Economics, 53, 21–28.