Gordana Manevska Tasevska
Gordana is also involved in teaching Agricultural economics and policy.
As a part of the Applied Analysis group at the Department of economics, Gordana is involved in projects commissioned by the Swedish ministry of entrepreneurship, and the EU Commission, and performs analysis with policy relevance. Her research is focussed on analysing the performance of the agricultural production in Sweden (efficiency, viability, resilience, etc.), incorporating variety of aspects: i) farm resource use, ii) farm structure; and iii) farm decision making, implying studying how different management practices such as production methods, diversification/specialisation, education, environmental and animal welfare consideration contribute to better performance.
Gordana is in the consortium in two H2020 funded projects: Low-Input Farming and Territories (LIFT, coordinated by Dr. Latruffe, INRA, France, 2018-2021) and Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems (SURE-Farm, coordinated by Prof. Meuweissen, 2017-2020) projects. She is also in the PhD student supervisory team of the project Strategies for development of farm business - driving forces and economic effects, financed by the Swedish farmers’ foundation for agricultural research during the period June 2018 - June 2021.
She has a PhD in Business Management from SLU, with a dissertaion on farm efficiency of grape-growing family farms and policy influence on farm performance.
Master and PhD students.
Selected publications
from journals and popular science articles:
Hansson, H., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Asmild, M. (2018). Rationalising inefficiency in agricultural production - the case of Swedish dairy agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 1-24. jby042, https://doi.org/10.1093/erae/jby042.
Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H., Asmild, M., (2018). Rationellt slöseri? – att förstå ineffektivitet i svenska mjölkföretag. Policy brief No 2018:1, AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU-LU. www.agrifood.se.
Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H., Asmild, M., (2018). Att vara ineffektiv är att göra uppror. eFOLKET tidning, 25 April, 2018.
Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H., Asmild, M., (2018). Att vara ineffektiv är att göra uppror. Blog, Trädgården Jorden, 10 May, 2018.
Basnet, K. S., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Surry, Y. (2018). Explaining the process for conversion to organic dairy farming in Sweden: An alternative modelling approach. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 67:1, 14-30.
Jansson, T., Nordin, I., Wilhelmson, F. Manevska-Tasevska, G., Weiss, F., Witzke, P. (2018). Coupled agricultural subsidies in the EU undermine climate efforts, Working Paper, 2018:3, Agrifood Economic Center, Swedish University of Agricultural Science.
Jansson, T., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Nordin, I., och Wilhelmsson, F. (2018). Kött och klimat – hur påverkar EU:s stöd utsläppen av växthusgaser? Policy Brief 2018:5, AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU-LU. www.agrifood.se
Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H., and Labajova, K., (2017). Impact of management practices on persistent and residual technical efficiency – a study of Swedish pig farming Managerial and decision economics, 38(6): 890-905.
Hansson, H., Labajova, K., och Manevska-Tasevska, G., (2016). Budget och ekonomistyrning gör företaget lönsammare. ATL ‒ Lantbrukets Affärstidning, 29 September, 2016.
Hansson, H., Labajova, K., Lagerkvist C. J., och Manevska-Tasevska, G., (2016) Att fokusera på hur man leder ett företag – så kan svensk grisproduktion göras bättre! Land Lantbruk, 06, May 06, 2016.
Manevska-Tasevska, G., Surry, Y. and Rabinowicz, E. (2016). Pure and compensated efficiency of the Swedish dairy farms. Agricultural and food science, 25(2): 111-123.
Barnes, A. P., Hansson, H., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Shrestha, S. S and Thomson S. G.. (2015). "The influence of diversification on long-term viability of the agricultural sector." Review of. Land Use Policy 49: 404-12.
Manevska-Tasevska, G., och Rabinowicz, E. (2015). Strukturomvandling och effektivitet i det svenska jordbruket. Policy memo, 2015-01-15. AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU-LU. www.agrifood.se.
Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H. and Rabinowicz, E. (2014). Input-saving possibilities and practices contributing to efficient beef production. Agricultural and food science, 23(2): 118-134.
Carlsson, C., Manevska-Tasevska, G., och Rabinowicz, E. (2014). Svenska nötköttsproducenter kan minska sina kostnader. Policy brief, 2014: 1, AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU-LU. www.agrifood.se.
Rabinowicz, E., Manevska-Tasevska, G., Brady, M., Höjgård, S., Nordin, M., Jansson, T., Johansson, H. (2014). Hur bör gårdsstödet utformas? - yttrande över Ds 2014:6, gårdsstödet 2015-2020. Policy memo, 2014-04-22. AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU-LU. www.agrifood.se.
Rabinowicz, E, Manevska-Tasevska, G., och Carlsson, C. (2013). Varför är vissa bonder mer effektiva än andra? Policy brief, 2013: 4, AgriFood Economics Centre, SLU-LU. Finns på: www.agrifood.se.
Manevska-Tasevska, G. (2013). Farmers' knowledge attributes contribute to attaining higher farm technical efficiency: a transition economy case. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 19(1): 7-19.
Manevska-Tasevska, G., Hansson, H., Latruffe, L. (2011). "Evaluating the potential effectiveness of rural development programme targets on farms in FYR Macedonia–An efficiency study of grape-growing family farms." Food Economics-Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section C 8(3): 161-172.
Manevska‐Tasevska, G., Hansson, H. (2011). "Does managerial behavior determine farm technical efficiency? A case of grape production in an economy in transition." Managerial and decision economics, 32(6): 399-412.