CV page

Geovana Mercado

Geovana Mercado
Researcher, analysing the different organizational structures through which government and citizens relate to nature. I am interested in organisational and policy analysis with a focus on governance, both in its practical and theoretical implications. My research interests include: nature based solutions, agrobiodiversity conservation, peasant markets, institutional and organization theories, Global South perspectives and qualitative research methods.


My current research focuses on Governance of Nature Based Solutions (NBS)

I organize the Landscape Governance Talks, a virtual conversation about Governance related issues and research, which happens every third week via Zoom.

I have preference and great interest in qualitative research methods. These include the use of participatory research methods including focus groups, in-depth interviews, and participant observation.



I am the course coordinator for an international BSc course ‘Analysis of forested landscapes’ (15 ECTS) in the ‘Forest and Landscape Management’ program. The course provides an introducion to Forest and Landscape concepts as well as different tools for Landscape analysis.


I am currently involved in two research projects on governance of Nature Based solutions, both funded by the EU:

CONEXUS: Co-producing nature-based solutions (NBS) and restored ecosystems - transdisciplinary nexus for urban sustainability. CONEXUS takes place in seven cities where Life-labs to test nature-based solutions are currently being implemented, and where we analyse the emerging governance structures that will support NBS implementation.

NATURO: Engagement of marginalised groups in NBS planning and management via long-term mosaic governance, funded by the EU Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) program. NATURO will study how quality of life can be increased for marginalised groups, by use of nature. Building on three recent research projects, a strategic framework for capacity building and empowerment of local government and civil society stakeholders will be developed by co-creating Nature-based Solutions (NBS).

Selected publications

Peer reviewed journals

Supporting nature-based solutions via nature-based thinking across European and Latin American cities.  Ambio 53, 79–94 (2024)

What are the potentials for local governments when participating in research on knowledge co-creation through nature-based solutions? Socio Ecol Pract Res (2024).

Exploring desired urban futures: the transformative potential of a nature-based approach Futures, 159, 103362 (2024)

Explaining the development policy implementation gap: A case of a failed food sovereignty policy in Bolivia  World Development, 166, 106216 (2023)

Decoupling from international food safety standards: How small-scale indigenous farmers cope with conflicting institutions to ensure market participation. Journal of Agriculture and Human Values (2018)

Public procurement for school breakfasts in the Bolivian Altiplan: Governance structures enabling smallholder inclusion. Journal of Rural Studies, 44, (2016). 

Local Bolivian Journals

MERCADO G., (2016) The Bioeconomy - Concept and Application to Rural Development. Journal of Agricultural Research and Innovation and Natural Resources. Vol 3: 4 Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia.

Liuhto M., MERCADO G., Aruquipa R. (2016) Climate change on the production of quinoa in the Bolivian highlands and the adaptation capacity of farmers. Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Natural Resources. Vol 3: 4 Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia.

Mygind T., MERCADO G., Aruquipa R. (2016) A new role - the revaluation of native Andean crops in the livelihoods of Bolivian farmers. Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Natural Resources. Vol 3: 4 Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia.

Book chapters

MERCADO G., (2015) "Towards the praxis of food sovereignty: Small producers and transaction costs". In: Farah and Elias (Eds.) "Theory and Praxis of Food Sovereignty in Bolivia". La Paz: Postgraduate in Development Sciences: CIDES-UMSA- 30 Year’s special edition.

MERCADO G., Rodriguez P. and Jacobsen S.E, (2014) Sovereignty in the public plate? School breakfast and the inclusion of Andean crops. In: Molina (Ed.) "Policies for Food Sovereignty in Ecuador and Bolivia". La Paz: FOBOMADE.

MERCADO G., (2013). The regulations for school breakfast: Favorable to small producers? In: Prudencio and Elias (Eds.) "Purchases of Public Food: An Alternative to Peasant Agricultural Production? Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador ". La Paz:

MERCADO G., Thellaeche J, Körner J. (2013) The school breakfast in Bolivia: Four case studies: In: Prudencio and Elias (Eds.) "Purchases of Public Food: An Alternative to Peasant Agricultural Production? Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador". La Paz:



Researcher at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Telephone: +4640415141
Postal address:
Box 190
234 22 Lomma
Visiting address: Slottsvägen 5, Alnarp, Alnarp

Publications list: