Elsa Quillery
Selected publications
1. Hussain A*, Zhang M*, Üçpunar HK, Svensson T, Quillery E, Gompel N, Ignell R, Grunwald Kadow IC, 2016, PLoS Biology “Ionotropic chemosensory receptors mediate the taste and smell of polyamines”
2. Uricaru R, Rizk G, Lacroix V, Quillery E, Plantard O, Chikhi R, Lemaitre C and Peterlongo P, 2015, Nucleic Acids Research. “Reference-free detection of genotypable SNPs”
3. Quillery E, Quenez O, Peterlongo P, and Plantard O, 2014, Molecular EcologyResources. “Development of genomic resources for the tick Ixodes ricinus: isolation and characterization of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms”
4. Lambrechts L, Quillery E, Noël V, Richardson JH, Jarman RG, Scott TW &Chevillon C, 2013, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences “Specificity of resistance to dengue virus isolates is associated with genotypes of the mosquito antiviral gene Dicer-2.”
5. Fellous S, Duncan AB, Quillery E, Vale P and Kaltz O, 2012, Ecology Letters. "Genetic influence on disease spread following arrival of infected carriers"
6. Duncan AB, Fellous S, Quillery E & Kaltz O, 2011, Research in Microbiology. "Adaptation of Paramecium caudatum to variable conditions of temperature stress"
7. Fellous S*, Quillery E*, Duncan AB and Kaltz O, 2011, Biology Letters. "Parasitic infection reduces dispersal of cilliate host". *Equal authorship