Carl-Johan Lagerkvist

Carl-Johan is Professor of Business Economics at the Department since 2010 and received his PhD in Agricultural Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in 1999. Carl-Johan is Editor for the European Review of Agricultural Economics. He is also on the editorial board of Food Quality and Preference. He was the Head of Department of Economics at SLU during the period 2008-2022.
Ongoing research projects deals with:
* Consumer preferences and risk assessment of food products
* Food safety and security in a developing-country context
* Using behavioral approaches to understand farmers' and consumers' decisions and choices
* Integrating psychology and economics – from personality to behavioral action
* Urbanization: resilience in agricultural production and land use.
Selected publications
Please see my Google Scholar profile and my profile at Research Gate
CJ Lagerkvist at Google Scholar
CJ Lagerkvist at Research Gate