25 Nov

Näringslivets Hus, Stockholm

Collaboration meeting for the future use and conservation of forests

meetings | seminars, workshops |

Eight PhD student projects that will contribute to the future use and conservation of forests will be appointed in collaboration between SLU and companies, authorities or other stakeholders in the forest sector. During this meeting, researchers are given the opportunity to present their research projects to interested forest actors.

During a full day, we meet to listen to exciting research ideas, discuss and make contacts.

The collaboration meeting is held in Swedish, for non-Swedish speaking researchers it is possible to present in English.

The collaboration meeting is aimed at:

  • Researchers working at SLU's Faculty of Forest Sciences with the possibility to be the main supervisor for a potential collaboration/industry PhD student. 
  • Forest stakeholders with an interest in employing an industry/collaboration PhD student.

The WIFORCE Research School will cover travel costs for potential main supervisors. Please contact Anke Carius (anke.carius@slu.se) for information.


Wallenberg Initiative in Forestry Research

This collaboration meeting is part of the major research initiative Wallenberg Initiative in Forestry Research (WIFORCE) funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW). The WIFORCE Research school at SLU's Faculty of Forest Sciences has the opportunity to offer up to eight PhD projects to main supervisors at SLU in collaboration with industry/collaboration partners.

The aim of this initiative is to strengthen research on future sustainable forestry and conservation by establishing collaboration between researchers at SLU, companies, authorities and other stakeholders. This will also help to develop expertise in the field outside SLU. 

In a first webinar, companies and authorities shared their challenges, knowledge and skills needs. Now it is the researchers' turn to share their ideas during this collaborative meeting where representatives from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) also participate. 

Would you like to access a pdf portfolio with the presentations from the webinar? Contact Anke Carius (anke.carius@slu.se) for information.   

How it works

Researchers write a brief outline of 1 A4 page for a PhD student project without specifying potential external parties and submit it in connection with the registration. If you are unable to attend the collaboration meeting, it is possible to email your project idea to anke.carius@slu.se.

The research must be of a natural and basic science nature.

During the Collaboration Meeting, researchers will present their project ideas to potential collaboration partners who can ask questions during the presentations and/or during various mingle sessions during the day. The project proposals will also be collected in a portfolio that will be made available to the collaborators.

How to register

Please send an email to anke.carius@slu.se by 5 November with the following information:

  • Name
  • Organisation
  • Your position/title
  • Dietary preferences
  • For researchers: attach project overview

Write ‘Registration 25 November’ in the subject line.



Time: 2024-11-25 10:00 - 16:00
City: Stockholm
Location: Näringslivets Hus
Organiser: SLU and Skogsindustrierna
Last signup date: 5 November 2024
Additional info:

Contact coordinator Anke Carius:


Read more on who is eligble to apply and how the industry/collaboration PhD student projects will be matched here.


The collaboration meeting will take place at Näringslivets Hus at Storgatan 19 in Stockholm.


The programme will be updated in good time before the event

Time: 10:00 - 16:00
