6 Feb
21 Feb


Ph.D course: Advanced R programming

events |

The course focus on writing R functions, efficient data manipulation, and advanced plot.

Obligatory meetings: February 6th -10th

Content:The lectures provide an overview of the following topics:

  • R functions in depth: parameters, return values, variable scope
  • Debugging
  • Extract data from function output
  • Advanced data manipulation
  • Advanced R graphics: ggplot2
  • A group of useful packages

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:

- write advanced R functions,

- advanced data manipulation like reshape data, merge data,

- use advanced plot package, and

- perform data analysis on different topics.



Time: 2023-02-06 - 2023-02-21
City: Umeå
Last signup date: 21 January 2023
Additional info: