City: Online
Organiser: Swedish National Data Service
Additional info:
In this webinar representatives from Swedish research funders will present their thoughts on the road to open data.
In the Government’s Research and Innovation Bill Forskning, frihet, framtid – kunskap och innovation för Sverige (prop. 2020/21:60) (Research, freedom, future – knowledge and innovation for Sweden), the government announces that it wants to see a faster transition to a system of open science. They make it clear that data that have been granted public funding should be made accessible and “as open as possible, as closed as necessary” no later than from 2026. The responsibility for this will be shared by the higher education institutions and research funders alike.
In this webinar, organized by the Swedish National Data Service (SND), representatives from major Swedish research funders are given an opportunity to present their thoughts about the road to the 2026 goal.