22 Apr


PhD Forum: A digital workshop on PhD peer support and wellbeing during corona

How can we be socially close even though we are physically distant?

This is a question members of the SLU Landscape PhD Forum will ask during a Zoom workshop on the topic of PhD peer support and well-being during times of Corona on April 22, when the LA days were supposed to have taken place.

For many of us, Corona times are times for reflection. Social distance, (for those who can) creates both space and time to be more alone. But alone does not have to be lonely. Therefore, this session aims to create a safe space for Landscape PhDs to share thoughts and feelings, give and receive empathy for whatever is happening in life and work, and an opportunity to brainstorm and plan how to help ourselves and others in these physically distant but hopefully socially close times.

Hope to see you there!
/Mia Ågren


Time: 2020-04-22 11:00 - 12:00
City: online
Organiser: SLU Landscape PhD Forum
Additional info:

A personal invitation has been sent out to members in the SLU Landscape PhD forum. Are you a PhD within Landscape and would like to join, please send an e-mail to mia.agren@slu.se


Read more about the SLU Landscape PhD Forum


SLU Landscape
SLU Landscape operates as a cross-institutional network for collaboration and joint profiling of work done in the landscape subject area at SLU. It is one of the largest environments for research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe. 
