City: Umeå
Last signup date: 24 January 2020
Additional info:
Link to application
More information, including the schedual and literature, at the Department of Forest Economics
The Ph.D. course will be given in Umeå 10-25 February 2020.
Admitted to a postgraduate program, as well as a basic course in basic R programming (equivalent to the course Basic R programming (course code). The course is suitable for all graduate students.
Advanced course, aimed at students with basic R knowledge.
This advanced course in R programming aims atgiving in-depth knowledge in advanced R programming and to develop the student’s skills in writing R functions and efficient scripts for solving complex applications. The course focus on writing R functions, efficient data manipulation, and advanced plot.
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
The course offered a combination of lectures, computer exercises and self-study.
The lectures provide an overview of the following topics:
The lectures are followed by computer exercises where the students either work on material provided by the lecturer, or work on their own statistical material.
Link to application
More information, including the schedual and literature, at the Department of Forest Economics