Programme evaluations

Last changed: 18 May 2022

The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) evaluates a selection of Swedish study programmes at the first-, second- and third-cycle levels. Focus is on how the programmes ensure that students are given good opportunities to achieve the qualitative targets of the System of Qualifications, and how the higher education institution ensures that students have achieved the qualification objectives upon graduation.

The programme evaluations emphasise the actual conditions and results, that is, how the programme meets the requirements of applicable laws and ordinances. Consideration should also be given to Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

Another goal is to to contribute to the higher education institution’s own quality improvements for the reviewed programmes. 

SLU-evaluations 2017-2022

Doctoral education in economics (2017)
Doctoral education in veterinary medicine (2017)
Doctoral education in analytical chemistry (2020)

The evaluation results are published in "Högskolekollen" (in Swedish).

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