Environmental and sustainability work at SLU Aqua

Last changed: 14 January 2022

The Department of Aquatic Resources and SLU are environmentally certified according to the environmental standard ISO 14001.

Information about SLU's environmental work is presented here. 

SLU affects the environment directly through our use of resources, travels, emissions etc. However, we can also influence the environment indirectly through our unique expertise in the area.

The Department of Aquatic Resources works systematically in favour of the environment. We make continuous efforts to reduce the department's negative environmental impact by setting environmental goals and making improvement measures. The work is carried out by employees, the environmental coordinator, environmental representatives and Aqua's management.

SLU’s Environmental handbook

As of 2021, SLU has one joint environmental certificate. This means that a large part of the documentation and processes are SLU-common.

In SLU's environmental handbook, you find all routines and documents that apply to the university's activities.



SLU Aqua’s additional environmental objectives

In addition to SLU's environmental objectives SLU Aqua has local environmental goals, determined by the department management in dialog with the environmental coordinator and environmental representatives.

Reducing CO2 emission from international travel

  • CO2 emissions from international flights shall decrease by 10%, from 2019 till 2023.
    2023: goal not achieved (An increase (2019 compared to 2023) by19 % per HÅA).

Environmental monitoring and assessment, and Education

  • Increase the number of publications by SLU Aqua's EMA work
    2023: goal not evaluated.

  • SLU Aqua should examine at least 10 degree project students per year.  
    2023: goal achieved (10 graduates)               

  • SLU Aqua should have at least 15 registered students per course given by the department.
    2023: goal not achieved (48, 12, 5 students on each cource)

  • SLU Aqua should graduate an average of 3 students per year, between the years 2019 to 2025. To be evaluated 2025.


  • Yearly have 55 news-clippings/month in media.
    2023: Number clips not reported.          

Aqua’s environmental objectives, that expired in 2020

Reducing environmental impact from Energy consumption, with 2% per m2 and employee (2015-2020)
Achieved: Reduced by 31 % (2015-2020)

Reducing CO2 emission from domestic travel, with 10% per employee (2016-2020)
Achieved: Reduced by 86 % (2016-2019)

The use of video meetings will increase with 10% (2016-2020)
Achieved: Aqua’s increase 2016-2018 was 267 %

Reducing paper consumption, with 10% per employee (2017-2020)
Reduced by 24 % (2016-2018) (statistics for 2019-2020 are not comparable)

SLU Aqua-specific documents

Report non-conformities and leave improvement proposals


Maja Reizenstein, environmental coordinator
Department of aquatic resources, SLU
maja.reizenstein@slu.se, +46 (0)10-478 42 40