Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences

Last changed: 09 July 2024

On this page, we gather the information regarding the election for NJ's new faculty board, which will be elected during the autumn. The content will thus be filled with new information as things are decided.

Important dates

September 10

Last day for those who are employed at NJ to propose people to the Faculty Board to the Nomination Committee

September 29

The Nomination Committee presents its proposal and at the same time invites further nominations

October 8

Last day for free nominations

October 27

Hearing with nominated candidates, 3–5 p.m.

October 25 – November 2

Election period

The election committee’s proposal of Faculty Board

For the composition of a new Faculty Board we in the election committee have strived to cover diversity, competence and interest in a good way for the areas for which our faculty is responsible. Our starting points have been:

We are grateful for all the nominations with many very strong candidates. It was not easy to finalize our proposal. -After having read the declarations of intent and interviewed a selection of nominated candidates, the election committee’s proposal is the following composition.

Chairman and Vice Chairman

  • Chairman, dean: Torleif Härd, Department of Molecular Sciences
  • Vice chairman, vice dean: Sara Hallin, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology


  • Hanna Bergeå, Department of Urban and Rural Development
  • Helena Hansson, Department of Economics
  • Jens Olsson, Department of Aquatic Resources
  • Jon Petter Gustafsson, Department of Soil and Environment
  • Karin Hamnér, Department of Soil and Environment
  • Richard Ferguson, Department of Economics
  • Stina Drakare, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
  • Thomas Pärt, Department of Ecology

Presentation of nominees

Here you can see who is nominated and read a presentation

Free nominations

October 8 was the last day for free nominations.

Some old information

Invitation to nominate candidates

Those who are entitled to vote within the NJ-faculty shall, this autumn, elect eight members and two substitutes to the Faculty Board and also elect, among the eight members, the chair (Dean) and deputy chair (Deputy Dean) of the Board.

The election committee therefore invites you all to nominate candidates as members of the Faculty Board. The last day for nominations is Friday 10 September 2021.

The nominations shall include:

  1. Certification that the persons nominated have agreed to the nomination.
  2. Whether the nominations are for member, substitute, or to Dean or Deputy Dean
  3. Attachment with:
  • a one page CV of the candidate,
  • the name or names of the person(s) nominating each candidate, and
  • a short description (max two A4 pages) of why the candidate is standing for election to the Faculty Board, and which questions she/he wishes to work with.

Send your nominations to valberedning.nj@slu.se

The election committee will present its proposal on 29 September. Nomination of additional candidates is then invited. The election rules, election committee’s proposal and details of additional, nominated candidates standing for election will be distributed to those entitled to vote no later than 10 days before the election. A digital hearing with the candidates will be arranged 27 October. The election will take place during the period 25 October–2 November.

Here you can read the details about nominations and other information

Now open for free nominations

The Nomination Committee invites further nominations, which means that those who are entitled to vote who believe that additional persons than those proposed by the Nomination Committee should be elected to the Faculty Board have the opportunity to nominate additional candidates.

Freely nominated candidates may only be nominated if they have a PhD and have the scientific or artistic competence referred to in Chapter 2. Section 6 of the Higher Education Act (1992: 1434) The free nominations must have been received by the Nomination Committee until 8 October. See here the formal criteria for nominating

Members of the Nomination Committee appointed

The NJ faculty's nomination committee has now been decided. In January 2021, those entitled to vote were invited to nominate candidates for a new nomination committee for the term of office 1 June 2021–31 May 2024. A total of eleven nominations were received. Each member has a personal deputy.

Appointed ordinary members:

  • Klara Fischer, Chairman, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Uppsala
  • Göran Hartman, Vice Chairman, Department of Ecology, Uppsala
  • Åse Lundh, Department of Molecular Sciences, Uppsala
  • Martyn Futter, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Uppsala
  • Sara Bergek, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Drottningholm
  • Bo Stenberg, Department of Soil and Environment, Skara
  • Ingrid Öborn, Department of Crop Production Ecology, Uppsala

Read here what task the faculties' nomination committees have and a short interview with Torleif Härd before this autumn's faculty board election. Scroll down and you will find the text in English.


Marie Forsberg
Faculty Secretary
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU
marie.forsberg@slu.se, +46 18 671021