Voting rights

Last changed: 27 June 2024

The basic provisions for the election of faculty boards are set out in the Board's delegation procedure. It defines, among other things, who is entitled to vote in the election.

In order to be part of a faculty's constituency, it is required that the employment refers to work of at least half time and is not shorter than two years. The employment must refer to:

  • Professor
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Associate Senior Lecturer
  • Researcher, including those referred to as researchers FLK
  • Environmental Assessment Specialist
  • Postdoctor
  • Lecturer
  • Analyst
  • Research Group Leader
  • Experiment Group Leader
  • Field Mycologist
  • Field Pathologist
  • Field Entomologist

When electing faculty boards, the following persons have the right to vote:

  1. those who are part of the electoral assembly,
  2. those who have completed a doctoral degree and are employed by a faculty and where the employment refers to work of at least half time and in total is not shorter than two years.