Governance and Organisation

Last changed: 09 February 2024

Here you will find information on how the development work for campus Alnarp is governed and managed. This includes internal processes within SLU, as well as collaboration with Akademiska hus. Additionally, there is a description of the members in steering committees, project groups, and other forums.

an image that illustrates an organisation plan

In overview, a schematic representation of the project organisation for construction and development projects within the framework of campus development in Alnarp.

Overall steering group for campus development projects (SLU/AH)


  • Responsible for decisions on strategic issues related to campus development.
  • Decides on the framework for joint projects.
  • Provides resources and supports project management in implementation.
  • Makes ongoing decisions about delivery and direction in the approved projects and determines the final outcome.
  • The Vice-Chancellor is the chairman of the steering group

Participants: (in matters concerning SLU Alnarp)

Maria Knutson Wedel vice-chancellor (chairman) SLU
Martin Melkersson chief operating officer SLU
Christina Lunner Kolstrup dean LTV SLU
Göran Ericsson dean S SLU
Anna Lidvall Gräll project manager SLU
Peter Thorén head of real estate eanagement SLU
Christian Jönsson business area manager Akademiska hus
Frida Melin property manager Akademiska hus
Frida Munktell strategic real estate developer Akademiska hus
Jens Mårtensson student representative SLUSS

Preparation group for campus development (SLU)


  • Assists the overall steering group with decision-making support and preparation of issues internally within SLU.
  • Prepares matters related to local issues, land issues, and other campus development.
  • The group is led by the chairman.


Martin Melkersson chief operating officer (chair)
Håkan Sandgren head of faculty administration, LTV
Sara Kyrö Wissler project leader campus development Alnarp
Anna Lidvall Gräll project manager
Peter Thorén head of property
Theodora Mårtensson facility planner/project leader Western node
Camilla Westerbom senior facility analyst

Steering group for the construction project Western Node (SLU)


  • Responsible for implementing the project according to the project definition and plan, and participates in its design.
  • Makes decisions on significant matters, such as budget and timelines.
  • Monitors and supports project work, is responsible for approving proposed solutions.
  • Informs the principal about the project's results.
  • Delegates responsibilities, powers, and sets requirements.
  • The group is led by the chairman.


Christina Lunner Kolstrup dean LTV (chair)
Göran Ericsson dean S
Karl Lövrie representantive LTV
Magnus Löf representantive S
Anna Lidvall Gräll project manager
Theodora Mårtensson project leader Western node
Sara Kyrö Wissler project leader (adjunct) campus development Alnarp
Vacant student representantive

Project Group for the construction project at the Western Node (SLU/AH)


  • Drives project issues and develops program documents and other materials (preliminary studies, etc.)
  • Prepares questions, such as providing the basis for decisions and project planning.
  • Is responsible for communication with all stakeholders and decision-makers, as well as anchoring issues before decisions.
  • The group is only advisory and does not have decision-making authority for the project. Formal decisions are made by the steering group for the Western Node.
  • The group is led by the chairman.


Lena Åberg project manager (chair) Akademiska hus
Josef Mård strategic property developer Akademiska hus
Anna Lidvall Gräll project manager  SLU
Theodora Mårtensson facility planner/project leader SLU
Camilla Westerbom senior facility analyst SLU


Working group for infrastructure projects (SLU/AH)


  • Prepares documentation for joint decisions on matters related to infrastructure projects.
  • Informs and secures support for proposals and decisions with relevant operations and other stakeholders.
  • Coordinates the infrastructure project with construction projects that are conducted in parallel at Alnarp.
  • The group is led by the chairman.


Frida Melin chief property officer Akademiska hus
Lisette Bengtsson property manager (chair) Akademiska hus
Elin Renstam project manager Akademiska hus
Annika Billstam strategic property developer for outdoor environment. (Adjunct for questions about outdoor environment) Akademiska hus
Anna Lidvall Gräll project manager SLU
Sara Kyrö Wissler project leader SLU

Campus development group (SLU)

The group will be formed and begin its work once the campus plan is finalized (June 2025).

Coordination and information, projects (SLU)


  • Coordinates and aligns ongoing investigations and projects in Alnarp and the surrounding area.
  • Manages and communicates proposals and decisions with relevant operations and other stakeholders.
  • Is responsible for environmental scanning and raises important issues that may require action to relevant decision-makers.
  • The group is led by the chairman.


Anna Lidvall Gräll project manager (chair)
Theodora Mårtensson facility planner/project leader Western node
Sara Kyrö Wissel project leader campus development Alnarp
Anna Bleckert communications officer


Process coordination/project leader
Sara Kyrö Wissler, +46 703 321726