Hire media producer

Last changed: 10 January 2025

Depending on the nature of your project, and of course your budget and intended target group, you can choose to hire either the SLU in-house media producers or use the local framework agreement for communication services.

In-house media producers

  • SLU Educational Media's services include filming, video and sound editing, music production and subtitling.
  • AV event & conference provides technical solutions for events including live streaming and pre-production of film material.


How to use the local framework agreement for communication services

Legal requirements

Photographing or filming people – PUL (the Personal Data Act)/the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The basic rule is that you must get permission from people to film or photograph them if you want to use the material.

Do I have to have a written contract with the person(s) I photograph?

Oral agreements apply, but are difficult to prove. A good working method is to write a model agreement with anyone caught on camera, at least if they take up a large part of the screen or if they are clearly identifiable. The agreement should list how you intend to use the image, for how long (if it is for a limited period) and if it will be e.g. stored in SLU’s media bank and therefore be at the disposal of a third party, etc.

This way, you ensure that you always are legally allowed to photograph, store and use images in the way you intended. You should also be aware that the general data protection regulation has an addition stating that depicted people have the right to be erased if they wish to be. That means that they can request the image material to be erased at a later date. A written agreement can sometimes simplify the process of erasing stored material.

Feel free to use these forms:

Read more about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Filming with drones

Filming with drones counts as camera surveillance and is regulated by the Public Camera Surveillance Act. In order to film with a drone, you must submit an application and receive permission from the The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY).

More information and documents for application:
Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY) (only some information in English)

In order to make sure that those depicted have consented to this you also need to inform staff and students when/if filming is taking place, through emails and temporary information signs.