Approved projects

Last changed: 25 February 2025

Below is a list of all projects that have been approved for funding from the climate fund and the contact person for the project.

2020 to 2022

During 2020, 2021 and 2022, contributions to the Climate Fund have been substantially reduced, around SEK 200,000 compared to around 2 million SEK an average year. This is mainly due to heavily reduced travel in 2020 - 2022 (because of the pandemic), but also because the travel agency has had problems charging the correct climate fee. Given the funds available, the work needed, by applicants and the steering group, cannot be justified. Hence, no projects were granted any fundig during 2020 - 2022.


  • Purchase of an electric feed mixer (Anna Hessle, Lanna)
  • GPS anchoring motor (Christian Demandt, Mälaren)
  • Electric car and charging points (Fredrik Sjödin, Vindeln)
  • Electric car (Mikael Andersson, Asa)
  • Electric car and charging points (Sönke Eggers, Grimsö)
  • Paper containers for pipettes (Rena Gadjieva, Ultuna)
  • Electric van (Johannes Albertsson, Lönnstorp)
  • Synergy control (Kristian Landsten, Ultuna)
  • GS-VMAS video equipment (Kristina Dahlborn, Ultuna)
  • Video conference room for digitalisation and teaching (Johan Lindersson, Ultuna)
  • LED lights in barns (Reija Danielsson, Lövsta)
  • Energy mapping (Mats Pehrsson, Lövsta)
  • Train travel to Portugal and travel diary (Anna Schnürer, Ultuna)


  • Purchase of electric car (Mats Pehrsson, Lövsta)
  • Purchase of electric compact loader (Mats Pehrsson, Lövsta)
  • Study trip to visit industries/universities/research institutes that in different ways work with biomass systems (Torun Hammar, Department of Energy and Technology, Ultuna)
  • Investigate the possibility to reduce consumption of disposable products or choosing products with a lower climate impact but that still meet the care hygiene requirements (Elinora Johansson, Department of Clinical Sciences, Ultuna)
  • Installation of two charging points for electric cars (Frida Sundqvist, Department of Aquatic Resources)
  • Purchase of electric cargo bike (Helena Bötker, Ultuna)
  • Innovative strategy for a cost-effective and sustainable year-round vegetable production system reducing transport emissions and food miles (Most Tahera Naznin, Alnarp)
  • Purchase of two electric bikes, of which one a cargo bike (Mikael Lundbäck, Umeå)
  • Purchase of electric cargo bike (Johanna Wallsten, Umeå)
  • Arrange "bike maintenance week" when students and staff are offered basic servicing of bikes at no charge (Karin Bäckman, Ultuna)
  • Purchase and installation of 3 charging stations where users can ride a bike to generate electricity, e.g. to charge a phone or laptop (Daniel Albertsson, SLU Library, Alnarp, Ultuna and Umeå)
  • Switch to LED lights in greenhouses (Per Lindén, Biocentre, Ultuna)
  • Replacing a conventional toilet with a urine-diverting flush toilet (Björn Vinnerås, Department of Energy and Technology, Ultuna)
  • Establish a permanent bicycle workshop at the Ultuna campus (Daniel Valentini, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Ultuna)


  • Purchase a plastic shredder for test bottles (Christian Demandt)
  • Purchase an electric ATV (all-terrain vehicle) (Elinora Johansson)
  • Purchase and install video conference equipment at the Department of Animal Environment and Health and the Department of Soil and Environment, Skara (Anders H Karlsson/Karin Wallin)
  • Installation of solar panels on two test surfaces in Västerbotten's inland for datalogger stations which are run with car batteries today (Linnea Hansson)
  • Rebuild a double garage into a bicycle garage (Johanna Wallsten)
  • Invest in an electric car (Johan Karlsson)
  • Construct a tank in the aquatic laboratory (Markus Langeland)


  • Solar energy systems and batteries at trial fields in Bälinge mossar. Department of Soil and Environment (Örjan Berglund)
  • Install electron microscope coolers at the VH Faculty (Fredrik Södersten)
  • Principles for responsible management education. Department of Economics, Ultuna (Cecilia Mark-Herbert)
  • Climate compensation through reforestation of degraded, low-productive tropical forests on Borneo. Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Umeå (Ulrik Ilstedt)
  • Replace bikes with cars when travelling to work. Division of Facility Management's (Infra), Alnarp (Mats Svensson)
  • Purchase staff bikes for Ulls hus. Division of Facility Management's (Infra), Ultuna (Maisa Young/Karin Bäckman)


  • Energy charting and training for Skara employees (Karin Wallin)
  • Towards sustainable lawns: searching for alternative cost effective and climate friendly lawns on Ultuna Campus (Maria Ignatieva)
  • Training in low-flow anaesthesia with the aim to reduce the use of isoflurane at UDS (Birgitta Östlund-Wiberg)
  • Stimulate increased travel by night train as an alternative to flying, the LTV Faculty (Eva Johansson)
  • Skype integration (Björn Lindell)