Physical work environment

Last changed: 25 February 2025

The physical work environment includes climate, noise, vibrations, lighting, radiation, biosafety and chemical safety. Various technical factors such as workload, work position, workspace and technical safety devices are also included.

Governing documents on working environment

Work environment - for employees

Work environment - for managers

Contact details on working environment

Read more about safety rounds and risk assessments

SLU's introductory course in laboratory safety. (The course takes about one hour to complete. To access the training, please enter your email address and the course will be sent to you.)


There are contact details for each area below.

Chemical safety

The procedure "Chemicals management at SLU" (SLU-196) applies to all of SLU. All chemicals are covered by the procedure. Local procedures are a supplement to this procedure. The procedure covers chemicals management, special requirements for certain chemicals, labelling and signage, storage, risk assessment, waste, chemical accidents and spillage.

Klara, the chemicals management system

All chemicals used at SLU must be registered in Klara, the web-based chemicals management system. All SLU units that handle chemicals and chemical products have designated contacts who can register and change data in Klara about products used by their unit. To get access rights to Klara, you must first take a mandatory training course. It is an online course, and you need to log in using your AD account to access the page. Contact after completing the course to get access to Klara. The training is currently only available in Swedish.

In Klara, there are functions for inventory/registration, reporting, risk assessment, etc. There are also up-to-date safety data sheets for each product; that way, safety information is available to all users. Anyone who has logged in to an SLU website can search the safety data sheets.

The manuals for inventory/registration and risk assessment of chemicals are available in Klara under the heading Manualer/Manuals. The manuals are available in Swedish and English, but you must be logged in to access them. You can change the interface language in Klara from Swedish to English.   

You can read more about Klara in Klara, the chemicals management system (SLU-336).

A short guide to searching in Klara (regardless of whether you have logged in or not) is available in Searches in Klara (SLU-345).

Klara is available here or in the “Tools and systems” menu on the staff web’s start page.



The Biosafety at SLU (SLU-1810) procedure applies to all of SLU, including the University Animal Hospital. All microbiological risks to staff, as well as genetically modified microorganisms (GMM) and genetically modified organisms (GMO), are covered by this procedure. Local procedures are a supplement to this procedure. The procedure covers biosafety risks in labs, agricultural and forestry work, work with research animals and crop production trials. It also covers work with GMMs and GMOs as well as preventive measures and risk assessments.    
