Previous environmental objectives

Last changed: 10 April 2024

Here, you can read more about our previous environmental objectives and their follow-up.

Energy use

Previous objectives ending December 2020

Objective: 1.1

Using 2014 as the base year, SLU will increase its self-sufficiency in energy (electricity) for all its properties (rented or owned) by at least 13 % by 2020. For heating, the degree of self-sufficiency should continue to be above 90 % in properties managed by SLU.

Result: The degree of self-sufficiency in electricity in properties rented or owned by SLU was 9 % renewables in 2020. The degree of self-sufficiency in heating in properties managed by SLU was 84 % in 2020.

Objective: 1.3

Energy savings for properties owned by SLU of at least 1 % per m2 and year, with 2012 as the base year. This means total savings by 2020 of 9 % per m2 and year.

Result: Energy consumption for properties managed by SLU decreased by 7 % between 2012 and 2020.

Previous objectives ending December 2016

Objective: 1.2

Fossil fuels for heating will be phased out as soon as possible, but no later than the end of 2016.

Result: The last oil boiler has been taken out of service, which means that the goal of phasing out fossil fuels for heating by the end of 2016 has been met.

Business travel

Previous objectives ending December 2020

Objective 2.1

SLU will reduce carbon dioxide emissions from travel by 10% per full-time employee before the end of 2020, compared to 2013.

Result: By 2020, the CO2-emissions from travel had been reduced by 75 % per full-time employee, compared to 2013. The objective was fulfilled already in 2019, before the travel restrictions caused by the corona pandemic.

Objective 2.4

Carbon dioxide emissions from domestic air travel to be reduced by 20% per full-time employee by the end of 2020, compared to 2013.

Result: Compared to 2013, in 2020 CO2-emissions from domestic air travel had been reduced by 83 % per full-time employee. The objective was fulfilled already in 2019, before the travel restrictions caused by the corona pandemic.

Objective 2.5

The number of travel-free meetings (videoconferencing) to increase by 15% before the end of 2020, compared to 2016.

Result: Videoconferencing has increased drastically since 2016. By the end of 2020, the number of meetings have increased by 200 %. Meetings in Zoom and Teams are not included. The number of Zoom meetings during 2020 were 131 891 and the number of Teams meetings were 133 499.

Previous objectives ending December 2016

Objective 2.2

Carbon dioxide emissions from domestic travel to be reduced by 20% per full-time employee by the end of 2016, compared to 2013, mainly through a reduction in domestic air travel.

Result: Increase by 16% during 2013 to 2016. Objective rephrased into objective 2.4.

Objective 2.3

The number of travel-free meetings (videoconferencing) to increase by 15% before the end of 2016, compared to 2013.

Result: Video conferencing has increased by just over 20% since 2013, which means that the goal for IT travel has been achieved. The total talk time has also increased by about 20% during the period. If we compare all three ways of performing IT trips (video conference, Skype and Jabber) between 2016 and 2014 (Skype did not exist in 2013), the number of trips has increased by 77%. However, the statistics for Skype in 2016 are not one hundred percent correct. Rephrased into objective 2.5.


Previous objectives ending December 2020

Objective 3.5

All procured agreements, where environmental requirements are seen as relevant from an environmental risk analysis, will result in good environmental choices being identified where available. This must be done no later than 2019. Goods and services which are or could be marked as good environmental choices should, if technically possible, be available and identified with a green leaf in the e-commerce system Proceedo.

Result: In all procured agreements during the period 2015-2019, an environmental risk analysis was carried out in all cases. Examples of procurements where the environmental risk analysis has resulted in environmental requirements in each procurement: combine, tractor, coffee machines, chemicals, fruit, veterinary drugs, animal species-specific medical technology consumables for veterinary care and hazardous waste. Green leaves are used in Proceedo where possible.

Objective 3.6

Follow-up of at least one (1) procurement annually to determine if, and to what extent, the environmental impact has been reduced.

Result: During the period 2015-2019, an annual follow-up of one procurement was carried out each year: fruit, IT products, restaurant and catering services, tractors, plant protection products, plant nutrients and seeds.

Previous objectives ending December 2014

Objective 3.1

SLU must set relevant environmental requirements, in 90% of all procurements of consumables from the turn of the year 2014.

Result: In 2014, three procurements on consumables have been made. All of them have had relevant environmental requirements. Followed up in the purchasing unit's list of ongoing and completed procurements.

Objective 3.2

SLU shall carry out an environmental risk analysis in order to identify whether a procurement refers to goods or services with a significant environmental impact is carried out on all procurements of goods and services no later than December 31, 2014.

Result: A new approach with environmental risk analysis has been developed and implemented.

Objective 3.3

By 31 December 2015, 40% of all procured consumables must be marked with "good environmental choice" and be available in SLU's e-commerce system Proceedo

Result: The proportion of labeled products in Proceedo is 2.4%. It is unreasonable to believe that the share can go up to 40% until the end of 2015. Therefore, the purchasing unit together with the environmental unit will propose new and / or adjusted environmental objectives with associated action plan to ISG (infrastructure group) and principal in spring 2015. Replaced by objective 3.5.

Objective 3.4

By 31 December 2014, follow-up must have been carried out by at least one (1) procurement to determine whether, and to what extent, a reduced environmental impact has been achieved.

Result: One follow-up has been carried out by the agreement catering services in Alnarp. Several improvement proposals have been identified. 


Previous interim targets ending December 2020

Interim target: 4.4.1

Integrate sustainable development in all degree programmes (100 %) by 2020.

Result: By the end of 2020, SLU had 28 degree programmes starting at undergraduate level (foundation year not included). Some of these are Bachelor's programmes, but most of them are professional programmes continuing at Master's level after three years. All of SLU programmes include sustainability aspects in the programme profile, clarification needed in a few cases. SLU also has 22 Master's programmes, most of them with an international profile and taught in English. In all 22 Master's programmes, sustainability aspects are a clear part of the programme profile and included in the syllabus. In a few cases, clarifications are needed in the programme syllabus.

Interim target: 4.4.2

By 2020, at least 70 % positive answers in course evaluations to the question on whether sustainability has been integrated in the programme.

Result: In 2020, the average for this question was 4.09 out of 5 for all SLU courses. This corresponds to 80 % which means the objective was fulfilled.

Interim target: 4.4.3

At least every two years, arrange a workshop for programme directors of studies for sharing experiences and developing education for sustainable development.

Result: Due to the pandemic, no conference was held in 2020 but was held in 2019.

Interim target: 4.4.4

By 2020, at least 80 % of all course coordinators to have taken part in a one-day training in education for sustainable development.

Result: By the end of 2020, just over 90% (381) had participated.

Interim target: 4.4.5

At least 70 % of alumni queried to say that their programme has given them the tools needed, in their current profession, to work with all three aspects of sustainable development.

Result: The question will not be asked until 2022. 

Previous objectives ending December 2016

Objective 4.1

By the end of 2016, all programme directors of studies (PSR) must have completed a workshop comprising three days on education for sustainable development (UHU).

Result: 72% of the programme directors of studies (including assistant PSR) have completed the workshop. As more PSRs were added during the year, another workshop will be held at the beginning of 2017 for the remaining PSRs (approx. 4 left). The objective is considered to have been achieved. 

Objective 4.2

All course coordinators/teachers responsible for a course must have been offered at least one day of continuing education in education for sustainable development. By the end of 2017, at least 75% of these must have completed further training.

Result: The total number of course coordinators/responsible teachers is approximately 420. The objective thus means that at least 315 (75%) need to complete the education. At present, 90 people (approx. 29%) have completed the course and 21 people are booked (= 35% if all booked participants). In 2017, training will be offered on all campuses, in both Swedish and English. The target is not met, the objective wsa rephrased into 4.4.4. 

Objective 4.3

By autumn 2015, include a compulsory question in the compilation of course evaluations concerning sustainable development in education.

Result: Objective achieved.

Environmental monitoring and assessment

Previous objectives ending December 2020

Objective: 5

In order to contribute more to societal environmental work, SLU has a general environmental objective to increase the use of data generated through SLU's environmental monitoring and assessment for national decision-makers, public authorities, researchers and public.

Objective: 5.4

By the end of 2020, at least 80 % of all operations taking part in SLU's quality enhancement activities will provide open web data in accordance with the current environmental data management quality guide.

Result: Of all the operations that took part in the quality work, 10 % met the requirements by the end of 2020. The objective was not achieved, it is extended until 2025, and at the same time as the target level is tightened to 90 %.

Previous objectives ending December 2018

Objective: 5.1

In order to contribute even more to society's environmental work, SLU aims to increase the use of data generated by SLU's continuous environmental monitoring and assessment among the country's decision - makers, authorities, researchers and the general public. It must also become clearer what data is available and that it meets SLU's basic quality requirements. The business area's sales function as an indicator for the target and in order for the target to be achieved, revenues must increase by SEK 402 million (2014) to SEK 442 million (2018).

Result: Already in 2017, revenues were SEK 442 million. 

Objective: 5.3

Within 1.5 years after the commencement of action work or no later than 2018-12-31, the action work within the business processes must be completed and there must be information on SLU's website, so-called metadata, about what environmental analysis data is available.

Result: The objective was not achieved within the set time. The objective is replaced with 5.4. 

Previous objectives ending December 2015

Objective: 5.2

All projects/activities within continuous environmental monitoring and assessment must have started action work no later than 31 December 2015, which means that information about the project's data can be made available via SLU's website.

Result: The objective was not achieved within the set time. The work continued in 2016, when all operations started up their action work. The objective is replaced with 5.4. 


Status indicators

 The objective can be fulfilled within the given timeframe.

 The objective can be fulfilled within the given timeframe if appropriate action is taken.

 The objective cannot be fulfilled within the given timeframe.