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The Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services (known in Swedish as the DOS Act) requires that information from public authorities be accessible to all. At SLU, we continually strive to better meet the requirements of the act. Responsibility for this rests with different parts of the university administration. The purpose of this page is to provide answers to common questions, and/or provide information on who to contact.

The act in short

The website of the Agency for Digital Government (digg.se) has brief information on the act and its requirements. Most information is only available in Swedish.

The responsibility of web publishers

Staff with web publishing responsibilities need to ensure that the information published on our websites is accessible. (In Swedish)

Accessibility in educational systems

To what extent do our systems fulfil the legal requirements, some known accessibility issues and how to report problems.


Guides and tips for using the Word, Powerpoint and Indesign templates correctly.

Moving content

Guidelines and tools for staff producing moving content.

Do you need help?

In addition to in-house support, there are procured suppliers for some services.

Published: 03 July 2023 - Page editor: webbredaktionen@slu.se